
Melina Morisath

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Hahaha you're so silly <:-) I have a fohawk

Who's this? no... That "> &<" are the eye brows.. You have funky eye brows now, but it's okay!!

Thoughts on Justina Samountry ?

Hi Justina. :-) I can tell you asked this, just by the way you type! Anyways, you're so gorgeous inside and out. I love how you're just Such a sweetheart to anyone and everyone you meet no matter what. You are the type to ask questions and check up on others, you care so much about people I love it. You're just beautiful, hopefully we hangout soon or something! I would say more, but this basically sums everything up.. Luv yah bby :-)
Liked by: Justina Samountry

miss you bby :( glad I got to see you and ju today (:

Brittany120712’s Profile PhotoBrittany McCormack
Jasamery is coming next time, I miss you SO much. )-: It was nice seeing you too, you better be able to hangout with me for my birthday though or I'll find a latter for you and we can Dina little dinner thing with you in front of your grandma's. :-)
Liked by: Brittany McCormack

What do you think about Mario Herrera

Oh my goodness! I could go on and on about him. We had about 3 classes together and I just met him this year, we've gotten so close. If I need a guys opinion about anything I'd either go to him or Adrian. Mario's helped me with a lot, he's just there to listen to me whenever just as I am there with open ears and arms for him. He's an amazing friend, very handsome, & any girl would be lucky to get with him. HE'S SO TOUCHY though, but it's okay. We'll always remain close, he's one of the few who hit me up and checks up on me from Service. Love and care for him so much, hopefully we'll have a class together again! :-)

Tbh: I think you're really pretty. And have a really good sense of style. I love the way you do your hair. And you seem really chill. :)

Heatherbiggs’s Profile PhotoHeather Biggs
Thanks Heather, I like your outfits & you're so pretty! :-)
Liked by: Heather Biggs

Would you rather have a vagina on your forehead or a row of penises down your back like a stegosaurus

You're very creative, I like it

What do you hate?

Nothing really, It all depends. I'd have to say when someone doesn't give me closure and I end up wasting a lot of my time idk
Liked by: Melora Jerilyn

Do u like service

Mm, it's more of a 50/50 thing. I like it, but then again I don't. I don't mind it and I don't mind going there. Schools about education, not friends so it doesn't really matter what school I go to. Wish I did home schooling so I could just learn and not focus on anything other than that.

Someone you wish you'd be able to hang out with more often?

I wish I could hangout with a lot of people more often and get to know everyone more, no one particular really.

What's the special occasion?

AlexusLasy’s Profile PhotoAlexus Lasy
I want to see you wear it! But i don't think it'll be a smart choice since we're going to go out tomorrow and explore! Go to bed bby

What's your best advice on the west cats?

I didn't know that other people call them "west cats". No advice really.. I mean they're all different and chill. Just know who you're dealing with, they don't play child play.

I just can't leave you alone

It's okay, I appreciate you asking me questions! You're keeping me occupied :-) xoxo

Ouh girl, all these rumors make me laugh!!!!

I'm saying, it's funny hearing all of the shit people can come up with

Do you think you can fight Vanessa?

I mean, anyone can fight her.. But if you're asking if I would, I wouldn't. We're on good terms, I have no reason to. Hhaha that's Jasamery's situation

Jasamery Lasy vs. Vanessa Dominguez? Who would win.

No comment, but I'd have my bby Jasamery's back. But if Jasamery was messing her up really bad I'd step in and push Jasamery off her.

Your pretty & would love to get to know you better. So next time I have more to say!(:

jaaddealexis’s Profile PhotoJade Alexis
Thank you thank you thank you! :-) you're super pretty yourself! Yes, let's plan something!
Liked by: Jade Alexis

Allison Terry??? When y'all become close?

Yeah, Allison Terry. Mm, just recently actually! I've only been going to her about this one problem because I know she can relate and she understands what I do and why I do it. She doesn't judge me at all and gives me the pros and cons about everything! She's such a sweet girl, she's helped me with so much in such little time! But, the "problem" I've been going to her is over with now, but hopefully we still stay talking because I really want to keep her as a close friend. Love her already :-)

Who you run to when you have problems.?

It changes a lot, but as of right now I'd have to say My siblings, Allison, Ilyne, Melora, Fai, Adrian, Christina, Jr, & Brittany. It kind of depends on what I need help with but any of these 10 would be there for me no matter what the situation is.

You're really pretty and I love your personality(:

Awh, thank you!! Come off anon please please please :-)

Never thought about this... Hahaha, what are you trying to do today? :3 x3

I just want to ride my bike, lol. I'm with My girl Melora though but lets go to Abbott and swing ok around 5/530

What's you favorite song?

I can't make you love me, as of right now but it's just a cover from this girl hhaha


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