

Ask @melindanguyen

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Who is the smartest person you know?

These lovely girls that im glad to call my besties 😄😄😄✌️🙏🏻✌🏻👌🏻
Who is the smartest person you know

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What are two true things and one lie about you?

Two true things :
1. WENT TO PARIS IN SUMMER 2012 2 . Went to Portland Oregon USA 3 times 1 lie : - my cousin is gonna send me her prom dress for my to wear for my prom!

If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

My grandma when I see her later at my aunt house !👵🏼😀 becuz today well be the last day I'll see her! 😢😢 she's going to Vietnam with my aunt and uncle ! Man I wish I went with them!! Haven't been to Vietnam since gr 2 ☺️ 🇻🇳 anyways I hope my grandma and my aunt and uncle have a safe trip to Vietnam! I'll miss them very much! 💕💕

Who is the greatest cook you know? What do they make?

My mom and she makes a bunch of Vietnamese cuisine so it hard to say! But I'll just go with BUN BO HUE!


Language: English