
Melisa Simpson

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Melisa you are a filthy slut and it disgusts me that you sit next to me in form... did you sneeze?

you lovevevevee me sitting next to you, I might more away from Peter in business?? AND no, move on from that old joke mate
Liked by: Nina

What options have you taken for 6th form? What do you want to be when you're older?

Economics, Business, Maths Physics and Extended Project

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

Amusement park, I let anyone and everyone treat it however they want, I have absolutely no self respect, it's a free for all:) sharing is caring

Favourite tv show?

J'AMIE! Oh my god if you haven't watched it you have to. I haven't met anyone that doesn't find it funny hahahaha
Liked by: Alexi

Any phobias?

Obviously feet, then my sister! If she comes near me I tell her I have a phobia of her and she should leave, my mum goes mad at me haha

Favourite brand of makeup?

I don't have a favourite because i dont really wear much but bourjois Paris have amazing mascara!

Of you had to teach something what would you teach?

I'm starting up a beginners karate class every Wednesday lunch time in the blue gym, anyone is welcome to come, it's £4.50 a session or £20 for the first 5 weeks, you can do you're gradings and after the 5 weeks are welcome to join the brickhill club, I hope to see you all there:)
LOL NO JOKE IMAGINE THOUGH I'm not teaching anyone anything I'm a selfish learner
Liked by: Sophie Holmes


Language: English