
Melly baker

Ask @mellymeeel26

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say it to your faceee? your a fucking pussy you run from everyonne. stop arkin upppppppp

Then why can't you come say it to my face then you loser.
And why can't I know who you are?

i miss you so much, your incredibly beautiful and the only person I could be myself around..... i miss you :(

Who is this?? X

if you have a boyfriend why tune other boys, and post have naked pictures? Filth.

I don't tune other boys you dickhead I love my boy, I wouldn't have anyone else but him.
One bikini photo? Sue me.

If you were a farmer, what would you grow?

My weed plants, and maybe some cucumber and lettuce :)
Oh and potatoes cause i like to make roasts. But then again, I might grow some tobacco fuck paying the prices these days.
Liked by: Liam ™

Your a filthy bong rat do something pruductive with your life rather than fuxking every guy you see ya slappa

doesnt make sesne to me cause i have a boyfriend :)
and yeah i smoke weed? fucken get over it. and dude come on why cant you say this to my face to scared?

What does/ did Liam Howard mean too you before Cosmo got in the way of your friendship

um he was my friend? we hanged out all the time and everything. and cosmo got in the way of nothing. if not one respects me having a boyfriend then i dont give a fuck about them,

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

eh I don't know. I just don't want two gay guys kissing in front of me

Was this year a good year for you?

eh it was okay could of been a bit better I do regret some things. like I lost my best friend but shit happens I guess. looking forward to next year :)
Liked by: Megan Siuta Maamaloa


Language: English