
Menna Ahmad

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2na ya gazma ??

Nayera Wahied
ohh sorry??. taiba we mo7trma we chubby we hbla we hyper we k2eeba we 7baba. We aktr w7da b7bha bgdd nd the best bestie i cld ever get. nd needless to mentiom my partner in crime??. We a2rb w7da lia nd just the bestest person evaaaa?????

سؤال و خطر في بالي ليه انت/ي عايش/ه في الدنيا ده ايه طموحك ؟!

to be a doc nd cure all ppl ?

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

live my life the way i want it and no one would have a say cause its my life

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

I do believe in destiny. Nd I believe that only Allah knows my destiny nd am ready to accept it whether good or bad in sha Allah

How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

I don't think there will be a world in 100 years. just us nd Allah either getting reward in heaven or punishment in hell. may we all get reward in heaven nd stay away from punishment of hellfire

What's your number one rule in life?

well I think that rules are made to be broken nd life is no fun while having rules. so i guess my number one rule is breaking all the rules xD

What is the most interesting thing about your family?

Its nothing special really. just that we r a strong family. for me that's interesting enough <3

Today is Cow Appreciation Day! Would you hug a cow?

if its a cute nd a clean one then yeah sure y not xD

Is love complicated? Why?

yes, its very complicated. cause when u fall in love its hard to expressbnd when u dobu never know if ur feelings are exchanged and if they r u r afraid if u will be able to be in a relationship and if u r u never know if it will carry on for the rest of ur life or if it will end maybe even be4 it starts. its just complicated

What do you look forward to most this year?

summer vacation, getting good marks in my exams nd meeting my old friends :D

What was the last song you sang out loud to?

neon lights and heart attack by demi lovato. I sang it to my best friends :D

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

am proud of myself when my parents r proud of me :)

Language: English