

Ask @mgpadgett

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What personality trait do you admire in other people?

the ability to not care what everyone else thinks and to not take everything personally/ to heart
Liked by: zoë

How do you relax at the end of the day?

i shower and then watch youtube videos in bed with the lights off and drink tea

How did you meet your best friend?

well, our dad's were best friends in high school and continued to be afterward and so we grew up just being each other's other half (LOVE YOU MADS EVEN THO U DONT USE ASK)

What to do on a rainy day?

drink hot tea while watching a movie/reading a book/watching youtube under the covers ❤️❤️❤️

Who is the happiest person on the world?

probz perrie edwards bc she's engaged to zayn, in a girl band and besties with 1d. she also probably knows 5sos. not to mention she's flawless. lucky girl.
Liked by: Breanna Smith zoë

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

5sos and 1d with me in heaven eating chocolate and drinking chick-fil-a sweet tea and reading books

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

probably something worth a lot bc im very clumsy and i mess everything up

What does true friendship mean to you?

everything. without true friendship, who can we really rely on? who can we trust with our darkest secrets? who will love the real person that we hide from the world?
Liked by: Grace Schultz

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

i guess the world as a whole would be skinnier??


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