
Molly Huggins

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do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

I am a boy

Emily try's to dress up for stupid things and she always looks ugly tbh she is to ugly for gage he deserves someone like me she's so annoying and thinks she's so cool when she really isn't

Emily is gorgeous. she's my best friend and I don't care what anyone else says. so bug off please and thank you.
Emily trys to dress up for stupid things and she always looks ugly tbh she is to

tbh: Molly!!! You're one. Of my best friends I can go to for ANYTHING. We talk a lot about certain things (and people). You're like a sister to me. Love ya

love u

How do you feel you only have 14 school days left

7*^ and I'm sad :( but happy too. sja here we come!!

I haven't seen you in exactly a week. We are both in Columbia and you won't come see me✋

I was in Columbia for 10 minutes and I'm sick ✋

1. Is there a specific color of clothing you wear more than any other color? If so, why?

I wear a lot of black.. It's not purposeful

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

My parents would've named me Andrew so I guess Andrew

actually honey you can, she called my mom and said we just have to turn it in soon.

Thts gonna make ur reputation look great won't it sweetheart.. Two weeks late...


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