
Mia Hewett

Ask @miahewett18

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get your own bf he's mine in case you haven't got the hint he says you've been after him for a long time

Who are you even talking about 😂😂

Sorrrryyyy mia I asked one of those a LONG time ago just one not all but it doesn't sound good that you think only 1 person talks shit lots of people talk shit that's the way it goes don't think you're better than everyone else lots of people talk behind your back, so what.

I don't think I'm better than anyone. Im not perfect, I have lots of flaws and I'm assuming we know each other pretty well so why don't you just talk to me personally instead of hiding behind a screen

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why are you answering all that shit are you just looking for attention? ask is for middle school. just sayin.

Pretty sure you are the one that asked all that and I know that you are also not in middle school so

Tbh Mia we have only talked a couple times but you are like super gorgeous and you seem really nice and I hope we become better friends... Oh yeah and I'm trying to look Like theo 👌🏼

Leo Grossman
thank you leo((: and yes we defenitly will but hahah no need to😉😉
Liked by: Leo Grossman

Hey anon the best relationship i ever had was with a girl who lived in another town we did things on weekends,days off school,we made it work if hes making excuses he doesnt want you just wants to play with your feelings we dont fall in true love that easy he probs has a real girlfriend so run!

yes I completley agree!!

You should understand that if someone isnt into you it doesnt make them an asshole or a fuck boy it just means you dont turn them on and just because someone flirts with you it doesnt mean your girlfriend material boys like to flirt with girls we like girls to be into us even if we dont want them.

ok hahaha

Why don't guys like to date you after they get to know you?

you say this like you know everything that goes on in my life and I don't think you do 😂

my old boyfriend had told me someone on his team used to joke around that they did this to you how did you handle it I need advice

Try and not get attached to someone you barely see it is honestly pointless and chances are he's talking to plenty of other girls but who is this 😋

wdyta a guy that flirts with me online and on his phone and tells me he loves me after hardly hanging out he gives me great compliments like Im pretty and hot and perfect and how he wants to be with me but gives excuses about why we cant be together dont live close or too busy is he a player/fuckboy

well it's understandable if you don't live close... but it's kind of douche bag move if he leads you on even though he knows how it's going to end even from the start.

thoughts on Conner now

i can trust him with anything & I am very thankful for that he is super hot and super sweet and we have been through a lot together but I love him lots (:
Liked by: Sam Arfsten


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