
micah ((mckenzie))

Ask @micahmckenzie

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opinions on fave guys at school

ok i did some in the question i just answered but I'll do them again. ok raj is super nice & so fun to be around!! (see more in previous question) evan is real smart & easy to talk to!! (see more in previous question) adi is so funny he cracks me up all the time but he's also very sincere & caring!! also his outfits always look stellar!!! ibrahim is sweet & cute & nice to have a convo w. (see more in previous question) spencer is super nice & caring to people & friendly like 24/7 idk how he does it!!! ananth gives amazing hugs and he's so sweet and dedicated to all his friends and he's such a cutie pie!!
Liked by: Ibrahim Malik nicole

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opinion on abby, noor, tiffany, elika, raj, evan, and ibrahim

okay okay
abby is such a sweetheart and she's so cute!!! she's a super good friend & just so funny & she always brightens up my day by a million!! noor is one of the greatest friends ive had in my entire LIFE ok. she's so understanding and kind and she puts up with a lot. she's so beautiful and such a fun girl to be around!! tiffany is such a cutie with the best outfits and she gives the sweetest compliments!! she's great to vent to about things and also very fun to be around as well as super smart!!! elika is so gorgeous her eyelashes always look stellar and she's such a sweetheart. she really knows how to cheer me up when I'm really down and she's one of the smartest and most dedicated girls I know!! raj is such a cutie pie!! he's so funny and such a pleasure to have as a friend!! he's a super fun dude he's like a brother to me. evan is pretty cool and so smart!! we don't talk all that much this year but he's super nice and he has a great personality!! ibrahim is a sweetie pie and he's cute as heck!!! he has really good taste in music and he's nice to talk to & be around. one of the greatest friends ive had & just such a great guy to have around!!!

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List people you've say "I love you" to and meant it

um well this question kinda depends on your definition of love but here we go:
my entire family obviously
idk there's probably a lot more but that's all I can think of rn

Do you want a boyfriend

idk i guess id like to have one but it really depends on the guy, you know?

Why did you delete your Instagram?

bc the ppl on ig suck tbh and the atmosphere is entirely unwelcoming ???? also too many ppl ik irl follow me on ig and i feel like i can't b myself which is annoying

You say you want your friends back....well maybe you need to try harder to get them back

well at this point I have an amazing group of friends and i wouldn't trade them for the world???????? so sorry if you or anyone else feels like I'm not trying hard enough to keep you in my life??????? bc 1) i have and 2) if they wanna leave me bc they don't like me for who i am then fine who needs them I'd rather not be a fake bitch just to please some random people i probably won't even talk to or care about in 4 years so thanks but i think I'm doing a great job at keeping the important people in my life

Who is one person you will miss the most next year

definitely nicole for sure I love her so much i don't want her to ever leave ))):
Liked by: nicole

Why are you always so sad :(

idk it's just I've lost a lot of friends in the past and they've all been real rough on me and lately I've been just losing friends one by one and I've just lost too many people in my life and it's just hard on me seeing the people that mean the world to me literally fade out of my life ):
Liked by: nicole

Do u like 8th grade better than the 9th grade? Like the people in it

yes!! I love the people in 8th grade I feel like I really fit in with you guys... more than 9th grade. everyone has been so nice to me and I have a lot of friends that I know are there for me and I love that ❤️


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