
Michaella Mead

How come annabelle and Claire cop so much hate on here and you get nothing

I get all the same shit as them. It's just not worth my time answering! so whoever continuously sends them needs to fucking cut it out bc you might think your cool and clever but your judgemental and rude comments have gone too far and need to stop, please and thankyou :-)
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Latest answers from Michaella Mead

Short tbh / man I miss seeing you your so pretty and so so so sweet hope your doing well at Brent street can't wait to see you again soon xxxx

skye karpathy
aw like wise Skye you gem love u Xxxxx

hello thoughts on me

hello pls not again but such a nice guy haaha love chatting to you, so funny and easy going, love your jb what do you mean ahahahah and all round top guy!!

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