
Michaella Mead

impersonate annabel

Fuck I look good today
Ew I look so bad today
Holy shit I hooked up with the hottest guy
Sick of all these fucking phsychos
Drunk again
Curly headed fucks
Seriously how hot was that guy that I hooked up with
im depressed
Shit look at my dandruff
Off to the asylum
Yuck im so fat (fucking retard)
Someone buy me a chocolate
Too bad I dont give a fuck
I cannot believe how hot that guy was that I hooked up with
I want a boyfriend
Id be a good girlfriend
Shit havent got my period in yonks
Ahh hes so hot
Aww chanel my baby love you so much
Fuck off chanel you annoying rat head
Just wearing tammys shorts
Just wearing tammys top
Just using tammys bag
Fuck yeah got a job!!!!
*after trial shift* lost my job :((
I dont wanna go to dance
Im leaving
Im not going back there
She told me 9000 fucking times
Im seriously going to neck
Love you michaella ♥♥♥
Fuck off michaella you annoying slut
Ahahahaha love you xxxxx
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Latest answers from Michaella Mead

Short tbh / man I miss seeing you your so pretty and so so so sweet hope your doing well at Brent street can't wait to see you again soon xxxx

skye karpathy
aw like wise Skye you gem love u Xxxxx

hello thoughts on me

hello pls not again but such a nice guy haaha love chatting to you, so funny and easy going, love your jb what do you mean ahahahah and all round top guy!!

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