

why are you so obssesed with gym? is dis like a personal thing?

I'm not "obsessed with gym".
I love exercising. I love playing football. I love playing volleyball. I love running.
That doesn't make me obsessed and there's nothing personal about it, it's just a simple as that.
Yes. I want to be able to do pull-ups, push-ups, sit ups, marathons, ultra marathons, and heavy weight lifts. Even though I'm still far, I love doing it, and that's what matters.
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Latest answers from Michelle

hey your new blog post is really great and I'm so unbelievably proud of you! I'm glad you're better and I'm so glad you're getting happier! :)

AWWW this is so sweet thank you so much :') that means a lot to me and yes I am!! :D

Hey! Anyone in your sports science class doing a Sports Science EE?

HEY YES sflr uhhhh I'm not sure but I might do one!! world studies mixing business and sports science but I'm not sure yet!! I'll ask my class tomorrow haha

how do you think of friendship

uhh I guess it depends what this question means... I don't really get it :(

What do you think it would be like to live life as a bird?

POOP ON EVERYTHING U SEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

follow @Noaryann and like her last three answers for 50 likes and 1 gift but if u send her a gift, u will get three gifts & 150 likes!!

I'm sorry, but no .-.

What influenced you to want to be a dietitian/personal trainer?

hmm I guess I wanted to help other people who are going through rough times and others who want to feel better about themselves by improving their health :) and I really love training so I know as a personal trainer I would love my job, and I love food science so dietetics would be super interesting for me :')

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