
kaylaaa burnsss

Ask @mikayla6417

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It's obviousl that you ask yourself questions. Don't lie. You do. Don't you?

no, I didn't even know it was possible to ask yourself questions until I asked somebody

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What are you most excited about right now?

my birthday is in 21 days and I get to see Miranda sings live on august 11 in ohio

Which historical event would you have most liked to attend?

since today is the 103rd anniversary of the day when France brough the Statue of Liberty to the US, that day

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

mean girls, corpse bride, nightmare before Christmas, earth to echo, expelled, notebook, and alice in wonderland

whos "Oh Wonder"

just the best band in the whole wide world... get on Spotify and look it up and listen to them, theyre great

Who's your favorite actors or actresses

Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Anniston, Will Ferrel, Adam Sandlar, Johnny Depp, and Angelina Jolie

whos your favorite singers?

Lana Del Rey, Oh Wonder, Jack U, and Mikey Murphy's Spotify (May and June playlists)

Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

"everytime I close my eyes, its like a dark paradise" -lana del rey

if you could have one superpower what would it be (any superpower in the world. make it up if you want to)

I cant pick one but heres the 2 I would like to have:
1. MY NUMBER ONE OVER ANY OF THEM would be to look at someone and make them happy
2. read anythings mind (animals and humans)
3. be able to understand animals (basically communicate with cats and understand what they were saying and be able to reply)

What is your definition of pure happiness?

if im with my best friend (no one else), Netflix, pizza rolls, lana del rey playing, my laptop nearby for youtube, starbucks, comfy sweaters, yoga leggings, fuzzy socks, and lots of tumblr blankets.... I think that's all

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

well kinlee always texts me good morning so it usually makes me wake up so I can reply and then we start a conversation and I don't wanna go back to sleep so usually kinlee, on school morning... nothing. theres nothing good at where im going so that deff doesn't motivate me... so kinlee or nothing, according to the day and my mood

What's the first thing you do when you get up?

1. check my phone
2. text kinlee good morning
3. think about how much more I want to move

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

yes, the army and military and other things like that. Theres a lot of people out there that don't understand it and I think everyone should understand what it is and how hard it is.

What's something people don't know about you?

you can find a lot of things you don't know about in my book ;)

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

of course I believe in destiny. I haven't really figured out mine yet though... not really trying to rush into that kind of stuff right now. Im trying to live the moment Im currently in and trying not to worry about the future too much.

Do you cuss?

not on the daily, but I have once in my lifetime. everyone has. its nothing to make rumors about or call people not-Christian just because they said a little cuss word. But, I don't like hearing people cuss. If I hear someone cuss I'll tell them to stop, try to get it passed me and ignore it, or if it gets too bad, I will tell them to leave.. but that hasn't happened yet.

Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

plant a tree 🌳

What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

all about that bass - meghan trainor

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

to be able to do anything, because then I could do all the super powers in one


Language: English