
Mina Abdulwahid

Ask @minaabdulwahid

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i keep increasing and decreasing weight😖 yesterday night I ate nothing bas lemon detox and my weight was 55kg and today bas I ate some boiled egg for breakfast and I see my weight has increased its 57kg now whyy

Don't obsess over weight, number one. Two, don't push your body to do what it cannot do. Your weight depends on your height. Check your BMI and eat what your blood type requires 👍🏻

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

1980, Washington D.C.

perfect gift for my bar (male) ? any suggestions

You can get ur bar a tie and cufflinks if he's classy, or an awesome t-shit and a sandwich if he's chill

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I don't prank I just startle people and momentarily stop their heartbeats
Liked by: MONA♡


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