

Ask @miranda_schmu

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Today is Women's Equality Day! Who do you think is the greatest woman in history?

my mom she's the best and I don't know what I'd do without her
Liked by: keia.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

its really sad when you see these moms walking around with there baby and the baby has no jacket on. and its 58 degrees out. like I understand if you can't afford stuff but fr at least put your jacket around the baby to keep he/she warm. smh.
Liked by: keia.

You won't do it in front of anyone

actually yea I will just not you considering I don't know you and your literally the most annoying person ever.

Any good advice for incoming freshman (highschool)

don't get all caught up in a bunch of shit. you'll regret it. And don't mess around with fuck boiiis. and have a good year.
Liked by: Daisy

Tbh// You goals asf. We talked for a little while. Shit happened/:!!! Your super nice and chill asf. We should hang out sometime...

Crystal Rose
yea for sure! thank you!

truth is: we used to talk, then shit happened. shit was said. people made shit up. and yea. so idk if you like me buttttt I think you're chill, funny asf and you're really pretty.

I like you your chill too were all good
Liked by: Daisy Dillon Swinney

bruhh don't forget to bring your hammock to school so we can hammock in the bleachers at lunch tomorrow!!😜 😂😂😂

dude lol mines at my dads I don't even have it
Liked by: Daisy Dillon Swinney

tbh//: Miranda!! where do I start? well you're beyond perfect. no even joking you're legit perfect. but you're one of my best friends and you're always there for me like I'll always be there for you! you're so funny and make me laugh until I literally almost piss even when I was about to cry

Madsssss :)
awe Maddy!! I love you too and you are perfect too so perfect!
Liked by: Daisy Madsssss :)

for the record i dont hate you at all idk what this fuck boii anon is talking about they needa shove a cactus up their ass and get out of our business

right I don't hate you either I've had no problems with you ever so he/she can go do that.
Liked by: Daisy Kierra

Because it seems like you guys would or do. I am not sure. I just really want to know. keia will not tell me and she is being kinda rude about it. So I thought I could ask you.

why does it seem like we would?
Liked by: Daisy


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