
Mister Eric

Hai :3 Do you ever think you might stream a little earlier? It's hard to catch your streams as they start 1:30 am on weekdays BibleThump I try to tho

I'm very sorry to hear that D:
With my current job, I don't get home until 6:30 pm EST and I'm usually travelling on the weekend. My best day for you would be a Sunday. But it will be two weeks before I can stream on a Sunday. If I ever make it anywhere with streaming, and I can quit my job, I will make certain that I stream during a time that is better for you.

Latest answers from Mister Eric

i cant find you on twittter or twitch// i miss you

I have slowly changed a lot of my social handles in pursuit of figuring out what I'd like to do with them. I no longer stream on Twitch or make YT videos. I am somewhat active on Twitter and FB. I hope whoever you are, that all is well. Thank you for thinking of me and missing me<3 Hope we can connect again soon.
Below are some of my social handles:

If you did a game vs. a level 9 com, 3 stocks each, would the com take at least stock off of you?

Depends on char and depends who I'm playing. but most of the time, yeah.

Who is the best player you've beaten? Top 5 if you want.

Larry, but that was early in the game's life span

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