

Ask @misterhae

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like dancing at the same time during the audition

Yes of course! I think you will go up in groups of 6 or 8 if I'm not wrong...

i see thank you! is there other people auditioning at the same time as you?

No problem! What do you mean by same time as me?

how is the audition like?

You will be taught a short choreography! Then audition wise you get two chances to show what you've got! Oh and you also have to freestyle for a bit after the choreography :)

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but i heard theres an audition?

Yes of course there will be auditions to get in! Even when you're in the club you will have to go through auditions to get items for performances etc etc. You can't run away from auditions haha

do you need dance background to join TPDE?

Nope! A lot of us had zero background! You just need the passion in your eyes and the drive to learn 💪🏻

Hahaha im just wondering why an angel like you is doing here on earth :)

............. Err lol. I think I'm 100% human tho.

Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?


WOah u damn brave to try out new hair colours and very bright too!!!

HAHAHAHA yeah, my mission is to dye every single colour possible before I die. Lmao the pun. But hey thanks! ✨

i don't know what should i do. i am interested in something related to fashion. i have no fashion related experience. i am not sure where can i start from. I'm look for a full time job, anything relating to fashion. Any suggestions?

You having no experience whatsoever is going to be hard. But you can start by building up a good portfolio and opening a linkedin account. If you're good in writing maybe you can try fashion journalism or if you're into photography you could try fashion photography.

So i've been getting it wrong all this time ... such is life... haha okay then say hi to the eiffel tower for me!

LMAO LOSER HAHAHA That's so weird but ok????

Haha nothing wrong with being melayu okayy still trying to be a part of malayunited until now u know ~ oh i seeee visiting any other countries??

Bruh it's melayunited not malayunited ah HAHA no wonder u not entitled to melayunited membership lolol. Last stop Paris lor.

Ahahahaha maybe I shld say something else like next time..... anw how long more till u return to sunny island s'pore? XD

Like what sia lol "Ape khabar?" So melayu lol. Uh will be back on Thursday haha

Are u a psychic how u know its me?! haha enjoying the europe life I see ~ same aje ah takde anything new hah

You always "MACAMMMM" me what LEL ya man I don't want to go back lmao.

Macammmm long time no talk to u hahaha ~ how's everything going lately? :)

Wassup pak cik 🙋🏻 HAHA Okay jer ah, just getting by. You eh?

Wow ur hair colours gurllll so cool. But doesnt it pain u to bleach ur hair everytime u dye them?!?!

HAHA thank youuu! Yes it hurts when I bleach but it's not too bad!


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