
Mitchell Gable

Ask @mitchellgable23

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What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Hahaha oh my, so many things.

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

Roberto Clemente


Because we are going to work this out. Because I do believe you are not in my grade. Year round kinda makes sense with what I'm thinking. We do talk mostly everyday, and I can only think of one person that would love me. And this person must of realized it recently. I know who you are. But I'm not going to say.

You could be wrong.. Text who you think I am, if you text me, I'll tell you

No. I don't like that idea. Let me ask this... Are you doing a sport right now?

We talk almost everyday and we have been friends for a couple years

Wait a minute....I think I know who this is. What grade are you in?

No it's bad to be in love with someone who has a gf. I'll have to face you tomorrow and you'll know and these past months it's been so easy because you had no idea I was. But then tomorrow if I told you tonight, you would know. Your friends would know.Your gf would know. I would be a horrible person

It's not the end of the world! You have a lot of life left in front of you! More guys to meet! And you still have college. Don't worry about it. How often do I talk to you? How long have we been friends for?
Liked by: Olivia Weber

Because I think you are, you're sweet, nice, funny. Just great.

Oh well thanks!!! But seriously just tell me who you are....it doesn't have to be on here if you wanna stay secret from others. Just text me.

Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you were in love with her

I'm the one who asked her out. I didn't ask her for sexual pleasure or any of that shit. I love her with all my heart. Had a crush on her since 6th grade. I finally had the balls to step up and ask her out and she said yes. I'm a faithful person. I'm happy she is mine.


Language: English