

Ask @mixedbeauty91

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How do you deal with the lame haters?

Ignore them. People are gonna hate on you. Just keep moving forward, they don't pay ya bills.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

I would of been born in the 80s. Fashion was awesome back then lol. And I would be born in Cali. I've always wanted to live there.

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Are you a city or a nature person?

A little of both but mostly city cause I'm allergic to trees smh

What do you believe in?

Love... I believe that love conquers all. That when you love someone even if y'all end things eventually, if it's meant to be, it will be.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Make them laugh by saying some dumb random shit. Lol works every time.

What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

Ughhhhh.... Probably a tiger and lion. Liger!

What's something every teen should know?

That life is stressful af once you graduate high school. && college is nothing but a big high school with less rules.

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

I don't really plan anything but when I do plan, I do it a couple days in advance.

When you see a man wearing a thong do you get turned on or do you laugh at him?

I'm not gonna laugh but I don't find it attractive. I like briefs on boys.


ahahahaaha ah aha wa wa wa wa wa wa.
thats what siri told me he says...
idk. i dont speak fox.

What do you think about more than anything else?

hmmmm.... the way i look... like i can never leave my room ashy... that shit will make me late to life.

How much of a shopper are you?

I don't shop that often... Only time I really shop is when I have hella money to blow.

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

I get the best ideas during the night when I'm just chilling and not stressed

The Hunger Games are real which district would you want to be from? What would you say and do?And do you think you think you would live?

I would be from district 3 cause 3 is my fave number. I would be good at throwing shit cause I have pretty good aim so I think I would do the bow and arrow thing lol and yeah I would live lol I'm confident .

how often do you masturbate

Honestly not that often. I have a gf to help please me sexually so I don't need to please myself like that

When was the last time you danced?

The last time I danced was like a while ago when I was like the only person turnt at this party I attended,

When you think of music and what it means to you what do you think?

Music means a lot to me especially when I'm down, it's a mood changer.

Do you see yourself with Ashley forever or is this a game to you ?

I see her in my life for as long as she will allow me to be there... Her name in my phone is forever


Language: English