
Matteo Price

Ask @modprice

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Do you admire someone?

I admire a lot of people but myself mostly only because I learn something about myself everyday as everyone should.

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Do u have any tips for first date?

No cuz if you need some tips then you doin it wrong be yo self lmao

Do you like to wear flip-flops?

Nah I’m more of a slides kind of person if I were to wear some type of open toe shoes.

Do you trust your friends? Do you know your friends? Do you feel better when you are around them?

I trust some and you can always learn something new about your friends so there is necessarily not knowing your friend cuz they gain new interest so as you do !!

What would you save first if your apartment caught on fire?

Nothing materialistic things don’t matter to me!! But prolly my dogs

What do you think of makeup?

If a girl wanna wear make up then let her do so , personally I prefer the natural beauty.

How to correctly write: "buttocks" or "battocks"? ???

I have Dyslexia so I wouldn’t really be able to tell you

I’m 18 and I’ve never been on a date or been kissed, nobodies ever had a crush on me. Am I a failure?

Nah, you just haven’t found the right person to vibe with it. happens to people, one day will wake up and have all that but that doesn’t matter if your morals are right.

Who is your favorite person?

I don’t have a favorite I treat all my peoples equally, actually it would have to be a tie between my three of my brothers!!

What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is too realize, that life ain't about you it's about the people around you it's about finding out what you can do to make someone else's life better, it's about giving blessings just as God has blessed you, bless others and your reword is even bigger, but don't do something just to help your self do it because you want to help somebody, you should never do it for personal gain you should always find a way to do it out of the kindness of your heart, God gave Us a heart, what a waste would it be if we never used it the way God wanted Us too!!! So that is the purpose of life!

What's the longest you've gone without accessing the internet?

On god, I went without internet for a hole year

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

Not for sure but if I was one I would want to be yours!

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

They suck at communication!


Language: English