

Ask @moeghoul

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leh 7asak 7aqadet 3alai?? i dont know , keef el jam3a?

hahaha la mo 7a8ed 3aleke bas bahebesh kelmet salini bahes 7ali kees bezer ... el jam3a perfect wala a7la

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i hope that someone will get you a puppy on your birthday

that would be the best day of my life thank you ♡♡
Liked by: Farah

I also have done it with a gold necklace maybe ill buy for her a cat cause she loves them so much

that would be an awesome gift but make sure she can keep it ... i would love a puppy :')

i know but I didn't thought that is going to really make him happy and loved it really i gave him so many things to wear from before so just wanted to change the routine .. btw do you have any idea about girls gift ? HAHA any suggestions ? cause theyre twins !

honestly i would get aa silver braclet or necklace

i thought that only girls love the relaxation Haha , thank you so much you helped

no problem ... and truste guys need to relax from time to time !

i will but i think these things need a quality of time to be done :/ the party is after tomorrow how about giving him a voucher for a massage session ? do guys love these kinds of gift ?

mmm depends on the guy if it were me i dont care about gifts i care about who it is from ... but yeah i think that would be nice

i've done this from before and most of my friends are getting stuff like this i want mine to be different

mmmm a friend of mine made me something different it was like a little toy of me ... the same as my profile pic now
Liked by: Farah

عشان بتدرس طب لازم بقى يكون عندك حد تبوسه و يحضنك

Hahahahaha enshallah 5eer kaman 3 -7 years bafaker

kef bt7b tkon sh5syt al bnt ?

etkon te3raf sho ya3ni benet .. mosh sha5syet shab 3amla 7alha gawyeh zay el 3ahat ... bardo etkon cute bel 7aki mosh defsheh ... w not boring

tayib mish 2damit sat 1 km madih adamt fe o ano as3ab el sat wila eltawjihi

do you even know what sat1 is ???? its one exammm

as3ab mn altawjehe ? enta mta 2damto bil tawjehe wila ba3d"bil jam3a"

be saf 10 gadamet sat 1 w3ashan salo akthar men 2 years ma geblo

ma fhimt bil dabt sho 7kit 3n el SAT o kef elemt7an sahil wila sa3ib (elmadih ) sho nazalit mwad

el sat se3eb ktheer ... kan gazde eno bedon sat btegdar todkhol .. btod5ol community college w bet7awel la ay jam3a bedak eyaha

Choose any company in the world you would like to run - what is the first thing you would do?


qadamit emt7an SAT 2abil ma tro7 3 US

i did bas u can enter bedon ana elee kan gadeem so ma wafago 3aleeh wdakhalet bedoon

How do you know when you're in love with someone?

love needs time like a year minimum .. everything else is either affection or attraction

Why the hell r u stalking her ?

i was just going with you ... :p i actually dont stalk anyone i just like alot of pictures
Liked by: Qusai

If u have talked to the girl that u r stalking what would u say to her ? And for how long have'nt u guys talking ?

dont know

Yeah I have u on there

then if i have you there why dont you talk i dont bite ... do i have you anywhere else ?

I dont want to answer cuse its embarrassing if its not me and then u might know who is asking. Yeah we met. Have u ever met her ?

yes ... is it instagram ?

I hope its me but I dont think its me

then tell me from which social media do i know you + have we ever met or not ?


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