
The Real OG

Ask @moforafa

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What one word describes you?

Cynical , narcissistic, self-centred, arrogant, awesome, handsome, genius, modest, retarded, sociopathic, sadistic, masochistic, I could carry on, but I think I've made my point.

How many times per day do you shower?

well, for this you'll need some more complex maths. I shower about 4 times a week (max) so you must do 1/7 x 4 which is 4/7, which is roughly 0.14 in decimal form, so I shower 0.14 times a day.

do you have a valentines this valentine?

well.... I've got chocolate. and I don't have to share it with anyone. because other people are stupid, and I bought this chocolate myself (I didn't really though, my mom got it at the supermarket at my request) so, yes, I do have a valentines, and that valentines is chocolate. chocolate doesn't judge, chocolate jut understands.

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

when it is in relation to people: -5, when it is in relation to food: the calculator says there's no number above infinity... I say there is, and that is the number I want

Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

saying "fuck no, you dumb twat" would be an understatement of how offended I am at the mere notion of apple watches.

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

I prefer everyone to just shut the fuck up because I need to concentrate on my MLGnessness of Mount and Blade Warband

What do you do when the remote is too far?

Realise I'm too smart to ever had this problem because I'm not a common retard like most other people (condescending as fuck, suck on that) and just pick up the remote from right next to me and laugh at everyone else as I am superior human to everyone (and that's not racism, that's superioritism, big difference)

What age are you scared of?

I don't know exactly what you mean, but 4-5 year olds are pretty scary, because they're too young to understand human pain when they hit you in the nads but they're strong enough to fucking do it. fucking 5 year olds. such fucking little cunts.

What are your New Year's resolutions?

4K, my new year's resolution is 4K. and i aim to get my new year's resolution {pic related}. all da gaming references!

Post a pic of you on New Year's Eve!

Well... I told you what I was going to do, and I stuck to the plan. Deal with it.

What do you wish for the most in the new year?

more Lord of the Rings Lego to come out, because I'm running low on things to build and if they run out of LOTR lego, I'll have to build star wars... and that isn't as fun for some reason...

How will you celebrate New Year's Eve?

well... I'd go to a party, but no-one ever invites me to any so, i guess it's just me and {picture related}

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

A life.. Just kidding, fuck that, give me the necessary resources and materials to make my own PC (or some Lord of the Rings Lego) and I'll be as happy as I can be.

bae never leaves

everyone leaves... except cats... cats are for ever... they is the fabulousest of the all the things

I am bae

my answer is once again (picture below). and also, if you ever use bae again, i will find you and i will kill you... also, do pop up if you like

I don't have a penis... it's.. gone.. Or maybe I never had one

wait... processing... give me a minute... i found my answer (picture below)

Who is your favorite sports icon (past or present)?

it shall always be fredie mercury riding a sparkly darth vader

What is the last song you listened to?

Lover Boy - Mika. Before that; Party With The Devil - Attila. talk about variety...

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

fuck you, i'd invest it in batman suit development

you're cute :) i want to be with you :). but you probably won't love me back...

i might... i probably will actually, d'you think i could really afford to turn down a date with anyone? and plus... to my knowledge, you could be only one of three people, and all three of those people, i'd go out on a date with, so... pop up if you like

yeah, manly as fuck, that works too ;) but what i'm trying to say is that i think you look really good and you're a really cool and nice person under the shallow and rude face you put up :) and you deserve better than everyone hating you and especially better than your friends stabbing you

LOOK EVERYONE! SOMEONE ACTUALLY LIKES ME! I'M SO PROUD OF THIS! PERSON! POP UP! PLEASE! I WOULD BE SO HAPPY! but in all seriousness, thank you and pop up if you like.

you're cute. i can never keep my eyes off you in business. just thought you should know ;)

well... i'm gonna start paying attention to the students more in business... and, i'm not cute, i'm MANLY AS FUCK! but thank you, and pop up if you please.

Why do zombies like brain so much?

it's opposite of survival of the fittest... the stupid people (Scott, for example) will survive and everyone else will die. then, because our example, Scott, does not know how to find food, shelter and other essentials, he would die too, which is nice...

What would you name your first child?

Lucius, son of Lucifer, or Lucia, daughter of Lucifer. Why, do i hear you asking?

What is your biggest regret?

my personal biggest regret is not stabbing alek on the DOE when i had a knife in my hand and his back was turned... but no-one had it as bad as these people...

you're a really cool person, and although you talk to much sometimes, i think it's funny and cute. i agree that katy and those bitches over reacted to what you said, and you are actually right in calling them sluts because they are

i'm not cute, i'm manly as fuck... and *too, not to, and i know i'm right, that's why i'm so persistently pushing the points (although i'm kinda stopping that because it's getting boring and slightly illegal), but thank you, and pop up if you like...

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

anything that relates to the pop genre. that shit is overplayed the first time they ever play it


Language: English