
mohammed Q

Ask @mohammedQ98

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Who did you used to have on pin that you got bare close with but now you don't talk ( from and out of your area ) xo

Dunno, who

Don't u fink joe kay looks liike mesut ozil nd shuaib looks abit like joleon lescott nd harry riley looks like joe coal

Looooooooool yesss

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

A slappin machine for shuaib

I know a black girl that u have on pin that would like to wine on you

Looool I fink I know who dis is, pop up

Football player look alikes in ur year

Reice k, ramires
Mohamed sayed, yaya toure
HL, hatem ben arfa
Shirzad, luiz suarez and hernandez
Kwabena, demba ba
Callum, puyol
Jerome ac, moses
Ozan, ibrahimovic
Shuaib, vincent kompany
Liked by: Mohamed HL

Rfc chicken looooool

Reminds me of shirzad jus waitin for a customer at the till wiv his dirty looks nd his cusomized glasses looool

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

Be wiv friends so so my mind stops thinkin bout it

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Rfc chicken loool

1 say I went to lidl I went to shop lift In lidl Then I got caught in lidl Now I don't go back to lidl

Shuaib ur not funny, ur dummer than u look


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