
Mollee Ann♡

Ask @molleeann

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what are a list of things that piss you off ?

1: when I can't find an outfit to wear!
2: when plans get canceled
3: when people start uncalled for drama.
4: when girls call my boy cute!
5: when girls flirt w/ my boy.
6: when people start shit w/ my BestFriend!
7: when I have bad hair days!
8: when my phone dies
9: when people step on my shoes on purpose
10: when I'm angry as fuck & people talk to me or tell me to calm down -.-
11: when the radio plays bad music
12: when teachers are on they're periods
13: saying the wrong thing at the wrong time!
14: when people ask hellllaaaa questions
15: rude, dramatic, backstabbing, two faced, ignorant People!
hope that sums thangs up for yaaaa ! :)

Thoughts on Ben (:

he's my homie(: I'm happy for him, he found a girl to make him happy. it sucks I won't see him smile everyday /:
but, I'd do anything for him & he's so adorable and he's like the best friend any body could ever want!(:<3

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The video isn't gonna be posted because they don't want it posted.So stfu.We don't care if you people want to see it.Sometimes in life your disappointed,so be disappointed that you can't see the fight,and get over it.It really none of your bissenss unless you were there.

✦Leah Quist✧
thank you !
Liked by: ✦Leah Quist✧

Oh. I knoe he doesn't like me. He has a problem come to me. Don't lie about the fight. That shit is stupid.

seriously... considering there was a video. lol

Why was is a good fight? I heard lizz tried running away like a little pussy

no she didn't: she had the balls todo it.

Do you feel bad for hanna? I mean she did get punched in her neck and her arm dislocated

her arms is not dislocated ... that's Lizz Mccan. lol

What happened between Alyssa and daylynnn?

Daelyn was talking shit an telling Alyssa that she has a bad life and that she's a bad person and trying to get w/ Alyssa's guy. being a back stabber. so Alyssa finally stood up for her self & listened to me and I have hella respect for her

did Daelyn get jumped by you and Alyssa.

NO! people are stupid as fuck for thinking that. like, if I jumped Daelyn w/ Alyssa I would admit to you. Alyssa fought her one on one! it was only Alyssa, nobody jumped in and nobody laid hands on Daelyn. Alyssa fucked her up and she got what she deserved. I hate how everyone's giving Alyssa shit for it, but they don't know a godamn thing about any of it or what Daelyn was saying. Alyssa & Daelyn were good friends, why would Alyssa just beat her up for the fun of it? NO, there was a fucking good ass reason. and I have so much respect for Alyssa for FINALLY standing up for herself. I don't care if people don't believe me, but they weren't there. so everyone who Is starting rumors and shut the fuck up & shove it up your ass (: thanks. :*
Liked by: ✦Leah Quist✧

You're sooooo pretty ❤ We need to talk more especially if you're switching to ck. Idk if my name will show up so if it doesn't this is Kylie ;o.

awwwwwwh, thank you!❤
and yes for sure!


Language: English