

Ask @molliemurswbu

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Fave tichfam

Niamh, Lucy, Roisin, Abi, Becky, Chloe, Tayla, Emily, Angie, Emma, Jess, Nicole, Amber. There's so many people who I love millions but they are just the people that I'm closest with (I have deffo forgot a lot of people)

Tag your top 5 fave tichfam

one person has stuck by me through everything and that is @toughtich I could not ask for a better friend and I'm so grateful for everything she's done for me x (I love so many people like I couldn't just choose five)

Anons should dm mollie or whoever you seem to have a problem with, you'll realise that they're genuinely nice people and they don't deserve the shit you're giving them, just stop you're making yourself look stupid...and a bunch of cowards for not unticking the box:)

PREACH IT!!!! Yes slay!!! Hah ilysm thank you xxx

Dont think we've ever really spoken and I'm not sure if you like me but I'm part of tichfam, and everyone in tichfam adores you, tichfam wouldn't be right without you so don't listen to the anon people:) you're better than them:)

OMG that means so much sweetie. I'm sure I do like you, dm me? Love you xxx

i wasnt trying to be mean i was just stating how we all feel

everyone thinks that what you're saying is pathetic so obviously not babes. leave me alone, i'm a nice person and if you had given me that chance then you would have realised that!

You're lovely, I love you, Tich loves you, the tichfam love you. Ignore these anons, they're just trying to get to you x

i love you lots, thank you for this x

best friends in school? 5 girls and 5 boys

liv, neev, tamzin, tyla, lizzie :) ummm ben, luke, tom, joe, chester

Anon bbe I hardly even tweet about Tich anymore because I'm so busy etc so please tell me how I 'make everyone feel bad'... People like you are part of the reason I'm less involved making me feel bad&mole. I haven't seen tich in ages & compared to some people I've basically hardly met her lolol-lucy

basically just preach it. pure jealousy olive brain

Lol wow now there's a insiders and outsiders Tichfam group that's the most pathetic thing iv seen

i know, absolutely ridiculous

i think that there are a group of people who are the 'insiders' of the tichfam and then theres the 'outsiders' (youre an insider)

stop making us out to be bad people!!! i talk to anyone who talks to me and i am nice to everyone, back off me cos i have done nothing wrong

favourite time youve ever seen tich

meeting wise, obsession radio tour cos got my meet and greet so got to spend so much time with her and had a right girly chat :'))))) and performing, WIMTS - Manchester and ofc Sheffield for NOOBU x


i think that everybody has had a stage where they felt like they were going crazy because of their emotions but the song is saying that it isnt crazy at all, it happens! and idk i just have a soft spot for it and i cry everytime because i relate a lot and at sheffield i told her and all the way through she was looking at me hahaha

Queen hahah;) it's fine, I'll always be here, I'll dm you sometime:) <3

dm me now? im always here for you too <3

You're not unwanted in the Tichfam you basically are the Tichfam, reading your tweets makes me sad...you seem really nice and it's horrible that people are picking on you saying that you're being mean or whatever, it's complete bullshit. Don't listen to what they're saying it's absolutely pathetic:)

im literally sat smiling at my computer screen this is the sweetest! 'you basically are the tichfam' well you basically are my queen (or king) thank u so much <3

do you like dumb and obsession

love them!!!! they arent my favourites because theres more relateable songs for me, but i love them!

stop showing off about how many tich tweets youve had.

WHEN DID I ONCE SHOW OFF WHAT ????? literally grow up and leave me alone? jealousy gets you nOWHERE IN LIFE

opinion on @ellie_lovescher

FAVE FAVE FAVE!!!!! my concert buddy and i can not bloody wait for tichs tour so we can be reunited and annoy everyone and annoy tich and get threatened by tich and omg i get excited just thinking about it

even if mollie was her favourite SO WHAT!!!! she does promotion and is so dedicated so leave her alone

love <3

shut up you know that youre her favourite

she doesnt have favorites so no im not? what are you basing this on hahahaha this is hilarious

age, family names stuff like that

lol kk, her birthday is 1st july and shes 21. her dads name is chris and her mums is louise, her sister is called kat, uncle called frank cousin called aly

i heard tich for th first time last month and i really love her and i want to make a fan account but dont know tht much about her, could you help me???

um sure what do you wanna know

Does tich have faves?

i wouldnt say that she has favourites, no. she knows some fans better, purely because theyve been in the fanbase for longer so she has had the chance to get to know them :) do you think she does?

just because youve all been in the tichfam for so long and tich knows you and she obviusly loves you so much :(

thats not our fault? im sorry if you feel that way but its honestly not our fault, weve stuck by tich for years, ofc shes gonna know us???

fave disney movie???????

ok so the little mermaid always makes me so happy so that, and also frozen because it teaches people that you dont need a man to be powerful, then the songs in tangled kill me a little, and mulan2 teaches that you always want different to what you have and cinderella takes me back to my childhood a little bit and omg i think im overly obsessed

do the stooshe girls know you or?

when i met them they didnt, but i think they recognise my twitter idk probs not


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