
Molly Andrews

Ask @molly_andrews

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anything exciting happening in your life right now?

Besides spending my days at work and with Noah. Not really, nope lol but I wouldn’t trade those two things for the world♥️
Liked by: Noah Green

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?✌

My boyfriend, because he’s my everything

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Your own dreams
Liked by: Noah Green

Last time you had intercourse?

Thats personal information, but if this is the person I think it is you should know that honey

Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

I’ll never give up on my relationship
Liked by: Noah Green

What if you're home alone, at late night and you sneeze. Suddenly phone rings and when you answer, Someone whispers "Bless You" and hangs up?? What'll u do then?? ??

Probably start crying


Language: English