
Monica ✌️

What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?

When She opens her hands to catch the pieces of her broken heart but when she looks down at her hands again she just ends up having blisters and bruises ~
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Latest answers from Monica ✌️

Do you miss andrew?

Haven't got a question in the longest and this is what I get ? Let me clarify this because I think I've been asked before . I don't miss him . I will never miss him . And as far as me ever getting back with him well I'd rather drink bleach .
~ you're welcome

If not now, then when?

Annoyed . Irritated . Anxiety . And the only reason I feel like going back to ca is for my baby aka my dog .

WOW!!!!!!!!It doesn't look like it!!!CONGRATS ^.^

I'm just kidding I didn't have a baby :) LMAO

Who would you call first if you won the lottery?

Nobody cause I rather be alone And plus id probs use the money to change my identity and run away for life ;) ✌️

Language: English