
Monica ✌️

Wow yea I sat next to that group of guys?

Dang dude I give you massive props for admitting to who you are MASSIVE PROPS ! LMAO Thanks for the compliment have a nice night :)

Latest answers from Monica ✌️

Do you miss andrew?

Haven't got a question in the longest and this is what I get ? Let me clarify this because I think I've been asked before . I don't miss him . I will never miss him . And as far as me ever getting back with him well I'd rather drink bleach .
~ you're welcome

If not now, then when?

Annoyed . Irritated . Anxiety . And the only reason I feel like going back to ca is for my baby aka my dog .

WOW!!!!!!!!It doesn't look like it!!!CONGRATS ^.^

I'm just kidding I didn't have a baby :) LMAO

Who would you call first if you won the lottery?

Nobody cause I rather be alone And plus id probs use the money to change my identity and run away for life ;) ✌️

Language: English