
Monica ✌️

Ask @moniemonta

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What are some things you hate?

Well first I hate the word hate if that makes sense ? .-. Lmfao
I dislike going to bed mad at anyone.
I dislike being mad.
I dislike people who walk super slow in the school hallways -___-
I dislike stuck up people.
I dislike a lot but I don't hate because hating makes you bitter and I do not want to live being bitter okay ? Okay ❤️
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

If you stood back to back with Ira Roth a 6'9 380lbs female wrestler, how would u look physically compared to her?

What kind of question is that xD lmao short and small I guess ? LMFAO
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

What are you doing?

You know what ? I have a really bad obsession with flipping people off . Like my cousin asked what finger I wanted to paint pink I said " my middle finger so it looks nicer when I flip people off " . It's a bad habit but it's okay :-)

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You got a boyfriend before even giving me a chance to go out on a date :,(

Humm I think you might have said this to me in person on Friday am I correct ?

I think you're really beautiful and have decent answers therefore I follow you , sent to everyone I follow :* <3 xx

Aw thanks ;* ❤️

Do you love Brandon?

Honestly. Hummmm this is a touch situation that most don't understand but I've known him for over a year sooooooo of course I love him as i care about him, but do I love him more then that well the answer to that is just none of your damn business ;-) ❤️❤️❤️

Do u hate Andrew or?

No I don't. Hating only makes you bitter and why the hell would I let him make me bitter? I do want to kick him in the face but I don't hate him :-)
Liked by: Beau.Legend

That's fucked up honestly.

No what's fucked is the fact that you judge the situation with out knowing what I've been through and how mentally abusing being with him really was. I'm not sorry for what I said :-)

So u never loved Andrew?

No I didn't. I loved him like a cared about him but I love everyone I meet like I care about them. He was no different. I'm not trying to sound mean or like a bitch but i never really loved him.
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

How many boyfriends have u had?

Oh we are getting into the personal stuff .-. Well it depends really. How many boyfriends have I had that I actually loved and liked being with? The answer to that is ZERO. How many boyfriends have I had all in all? 2 boyfriends.
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro


Language: English