
Monica Sun

What's the perfect place for a first date?

take me dancing to happy music. be willing to dance. bring me five different bouquets of flowers. i like hole in the wall restaurants. red wine. dont let me eat sushi in front of you just yet. i mean u can if ur willing to see me fat-faced and ecstatic. ive always wanted to see the entire city from high up at night. be ready to lend me your jacket i get cold mad easy. dont write me a poem. dont sing me a song. dont kiss me. dont meet my family. dont make any damn promises or tell me im special. i'll kill you.
or we could just go on a roller blading date and eat italian that's pretty damn sweet too
Liked by: Tessa Steph J
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Latest answers from Monica Sun

Will you go on a date with me on October 24th to see Fury

omg yea that movie looked really good even though war movies usually scare me the fuck out

Woah, your ex-boyfriend abused you? What happened to him? Did you ever confront him?

i moved on. he moved on. life moves on. we find ways to move forward.

two. why two everything comes in Duos We have couples and good and bad there's him and her and up and down Why two? Why is there an on and an off How can I be that middle path of not mad but not happy. why two

hmm wow that's going to make me think for a while! i think us humans like the idea of simplicity or maybe opposites? but then in the process of simplifying things to twos as you pointed out, we forget that a lot of things in this world is a gradient, a scale, and it's very important to find balance rather than sticking to one extreme. this is a very good outline for a poem! keep up the good work!

ok :) what's the best way to send you my poems?

well you can add me on facebook or skype (xamountofsky), but if you'd like to send it to me anonymously, that might be a bit harder. you could ask it to me on ask.fm but it would be in fragments. good luck!

so what pain have you gone through? honest question.

one time i hit my leg against a table and i got this massive bruise. it hurt a lot.

Language: English