

Ask @montazbae00

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Op on romael from Lealands Rate him on Looks: Personality: Instagram:

Looks: 8.9 Personality: 7.5 Instagram: 8.8

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I'm ready

Not saying the name but....
It's about this 16year old boy called Andrei who lives with his college friends and they are looked after by a care worker they are a nice group of friends and until they find out about Andrei's old life. Andrei and his friends (New family) have this postcode thing going on and till Andrei and his enemy meet again it all goes down hill.......

age? virgin? least worn to sunbathe? when last drunk, where and what do while do while drunk

Don't need to know age, I'm a virgin and last year (set a goal to stop drinking) and how am I supposed to know I don't remember tbh


Language: English