

Ask @moosehamburger

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Isn't it kinda annoying that the so called emo girl are only wearing their panties and tops on their profile pictures and they still have somehow the rights to say that other girls are sluts and whores?
Liked by: Aleksi

Stop right there. Don't move at all and take a picture of yourself, what are you doing?

Scrolling down my ask and waiting my mom to be done with makin food, I'm so hungry
Liked by: Minttu jade

1st liker get 65 likes + follow , others get ten likes ?

No, first 10 liker gets a follow,ask and like, other get like and ask c:

Hei! :) Joko odotat joulua? Mitä toivot lahjaksi?

thejoulupukki’s Profile PhotoJoulupukki
Haha en kestä x) öäöäöä en kyl pyydä muutaku Heaven's basement konserttilipun ja tottahan toki odotan! :D

What is the best news you could hear right now?

Every war would stop
Killing and violence would stop
Bullying would stop
Being gay wouldn't be such a big deal and not everyone would be either "awwwww gays so special!!" Or "eew gays, sick and disgusting"
Someone would heal cancer
And stop people doing suicides

How old were you when you got your first computer?

Umnnmnmmmmmmm...mnmm... when I was..... 12? 13? I dont remember
Liked by: no

Onks suhun helppo tutustuu?

No on muhun kai, emmä ainakaa sellane hyökkäävä persoona heti ensitapaamiselt oo...

Jos sinusta tulisi diktaattori (Diktaattori, on henkilö, jolla on valtiossa rajaton hallintavalta), millainen johtaja olisit? Atm? Minultakin saa tulla kyselemään :)

Jaa, olisin varmaan aika realistinen [Tällä tarkoitan sitä, ettei aleta kasvattamaan mitään tikkaripuita vaikka ne ois ihan sairaan mahtavia! :D]
Keskittyisin aluks seksuaalivähemmistöihin ja sitten potkisin pakko ruotsin takas sinne mistä se tuliki. Hintoja ja veroja yrittäisin laskee kanssa ja muuta semmosta pikkusälää, maailmasta parempaa paikkaa niin sanotusti :D
Raiskaan TicTaceja ja mun uutta blistex huulirasvaa X))
Liked by: jade

If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

Bottled love and world peace, deodorant that works.. Useful shit like that
Liked by: jade


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