

Ask @morgslambert

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Do it properly

DJ Rozza
bezzie for life, so funny and hot, trust you and always make me smile lol, cut me with the umbrella and always take my phone which is completely unacceptable but oh 9 hour FaceTime calls are bae
Liked by: DJ Rozza

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

on the way home from Florida, Wednesday morning till like Thursday night

Would you have sex at the age of 13 and what would your parents think if you did???

not 13 but yolo it, dunno wouldn't tell them

Hottest year 9 boys well going into year 10 boys that go Hampton college 😂😂😈

Jordan Adam Logan Bryan massimo, idk😂

Who are/were you happier with

you can't compare it because at the time I'm obviously going to say the person I'm with now but it's two completely different relationships (even though I'm not with brendon😂) and two completely different people

So were you happy with max and are you happy now

yeah I was but it was better to end it, I didn't really know what I wanted and yeah I'm very happy with brendon

Why did you and max acc brake up and how come you moved on to Brendan so quick

okay so like i weren't happy doing the same things all the time like it got boring and I thought it would be better for like a break lol then we kept arguing so we just kind of agreed to move on and it wasn't really quick like Brendon's always been my bestfriend and he was there for me through my whole relationship with max and idk just got feelings for him


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