
Tatyana O

Ask @mousekater

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Fill in for @nataliametaxas 2.Are you cute? 3.Would i kiss you? 5.Would i date you ? 6.Do you make me smile? 7.Are you a stranger? 8.Are you a friend? 9.Do i love you ? 10.Are you my type? 11.Do i see you in my future? 12.Should we hangout ? 13.Have i ever had a crush on you ?

Yes, No, No, Used to, Kinda, Not really, No, No, No, No, No,
Liked by: TrollRocker

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do you date people because of their personamity or their looks

More personality than looks because everyones beautiful😛

Tbh people

Some people are sweet, some are sour, some hurt you and some make you feel better. But everyone's a person, so everyone deserves kindness no matter what

Tbh Paige

She was amazing honestly. It was really sudden when she upped and left to Costa, and you can feel how different it is because she's not here. She was the reason behind why I became a lot more confident and learned to stand up for myself which is probably the one thing I always wanted so thanks Paige...miss you

What are u planning to be for Halloween 🎃

I'm bringing back Seussical with some style😂😛 Wait for Halloween

Imagine that world stands still for 24 hours, you are the only one able to move. What would you do?

I'd probably go mess up the people I don't like's houses, then decorate the Kgoro with some crazy streamers for no reason at all

What's your favourite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever actually used it on someone?

If you're right leg is Easter, and your left leg is Christmas, I want to do something in between the holidays 😉
Liked by: Tatyana O Tico

What is the worst thing you got in trouble for as a child?

Running into the boy's bathroom, I didn't realize there were different bathrooms for different genders when I was 5 years old.
Liked by: Tatyana O

Right back at you 😌❤️

😘😘😘😛Ladies and gentleman, the amazing, lovely, tough and pretty Yasmin!!!


Language: English