
Richmond Siau

Ask @mrreexchmond

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Do you think you’d be able to teach someone else how to fluently speak your native language ?


How's NS

it sucked at first but now I'm getting used to it. While you feel quite miserable during training, I can't deny that I've learned a lot (and am still learning a lot) from the experience. Given a choice, I probably wouldn't want to do NS but it has definitely made me a better person.

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Describe rachel

According to Jieying, "A sucker who owes me my description coz shes a lazy piece of poop". ANYWAY, she is a rly cool and outgoing person that i can feel comfortable arnd? like she's the really really really really really really really really outgoing sort who can sustain a conversation. I can tell that she really cares for her fencers esp the foilists. OH YA and she is rly joke at times. It's rly fun looking at her conversations with SiaTK on Facebook because they're always full of shit about tzekais hair and rachel's forehead (oops). Anyway, 2021!!!!!!!!!! I would gladly teach me saber if she could teach me foil (sometimes i even forget she's as experienced/ if not even more experienced than mua) thanxxx
Liked by: Rachel


According to Jieying, "A sucker who owes me my description coz shes a lazy piece of poop". ANYWAY, she is a rly cool and outgoing person that i can feel comfortable arnd? like she's the really really really really really really really really outgoing sort who can sustain a conversation. I can tell that she really cares for her fencers esp the foilists. OH YA and she is rly joke at times. It's rly fun looking at her conversations with SiaTK on Facebook because they're always full of shit about tzekais hair and rachel's forehead (oops). Anyway, 2021!!!!!!!!!! I would gladly teach me saber if she could teach me foil (sometimes i even forget she's as experienced/ if not even more experienced than mua) thanxxx 2021 2021
Liked by: Rachel

Describe Weng khin

The Most handsome charming intelligent witty awesome irresistable fren one can ever have

What if I told u i am Samantha's annoying friend on ask.fm lol

lol im not following what's happening and i dun rly care oops

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Plan things. But im trying to be more spontaneous

No one in particular? (w regards to description of sabre hcfencing juniors)

Nah idw to do a list. I'll leave individual judgements and vendattas personal

What is the one thing everyone is looking for?

Money but it's not something that we should look for

Then who do you like?

Me myself and I ❤❤💙💙💙💚💛💛💛💛💓💜💜💜💕💕

so how r the new j1s?

They're really cool and nice ppl (more nice than cool tho). But i haven't talked to them much??? Except for at Kev's bbq (which was awesome ttm btw) I rly wanna get to noe them bttr in the next few weeks of training!

List names of fencing j1s U know

Shaun, Anthea, Jieying, Nigel, Tze Kai, Hong Jin, Kevin, Justin, Xing Jian, LiChi (did i spell that correctly), Waiyee (HAHAHA). Now go analyse why i write in this order ;-)

Describe new fencing J1s!

idk sia im only meeting them tmr so i guess i wanna get to know them better?

wow didn't know you and jieying were that close.. are you close to her than the rest of the j2s?

It rly depends on which J2 people you're talking about because it would be a gross oversimplification to say that i am closer to her than the WHOLE j2 batch and vice versa. Nevertheless, I treat everyone equally (as far as possible) and I'm on good terms with most (if not all) of the J2s. No i'm not going to list names.

how are they vvvv enthu

like for dramafeste u have almost the whole class volunteering and they wholeheartedly participated in senior meet junior and a whole lot of them ran for council :)

Describe Jieying

Jieying ah? I've know jieying for q. a long time when she started coming to fencing training when she was sec 3? Anyway, she is quite derpish but very friendly.
From my conversations with her, I feel that she has wisdom beyond her years and that she can understand people pretty well. She is willing to look beyond the rumours and the bad rep that somebody may have and see things for not what they should be but what they are. In actuality, she is a very deep person (despite not seeming like one) who can give good advice at the right time.
She lacks confidence in her abilities (which she does NOT lack) and her fencing is rly good despite what she may say. Truth to be told, she's one of the most honest, most down-to-earth people who I know and one of my closest friends who I can confide in.

Who are you scared of in interschools? Other than those ppl in HC.

lots of people. Coz cannot underestimate opponent. Later lose :'(

Describe sheng xiang (im damn bored)

Sheng Xiang the floorball beast (secretary) Nice guy but damn mug (really???) . Damn funny in class when he asks the chers questions. Like w/o him class will be sibeh sian coz a lot less funniness (no such word???) and happiness. But talk to me moar plz :D:D

the fencer

Ohhh chef that guy freaking funny. like in a retardedly joke but funny way. Like this time we were eating and we were analysing this girl's message to him and he took an hour to craft the perfect answer. Frikin funny and luvable guy but a little extra sometimes (or most of the time)
Good fencer (but not better than me). :P

wow what is up with everyone talking about that chatous app?

I saw this on someone's else ask haha that person was also like what's chatous :P
Anyway I also dk what it is Orz

What is your best subject?

I honestly dk lol. Like results wise it's chemistry but my best as in which one i like most then it's probably GP

What do you think one requires to be popular?

Just be like me. JKJK ERM JUST BE A NICE PERSON AND HELP UR FRENS OUT WHEN THEY NEED HALP. Also, try to be a real person and don't do stuff just to be popz. Do stuff because you enjoy to instead.


Language: English