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Aah! I love your account! One of my favs! Just wondering do you live in Sydney? I'll be going on a school trip, it'll be lovely to meet you! <3 (GLEE ON FRIDAY FOR US AUSSIES OMG)

Aww, thank you! :') Yes, I do live in Sydney. Where are you from and where abouts are you going? Omg, I can't wait for Friday! I'm just so so soooo excited! ❤ Xx

It's so annoying when you post a picture on coryxlea and you put information about your personal life in the caption. Like no one cares. I love your account though. Just please let the caption apply to the picture.

Sorry but it's my account, I can post and write whatever I want. Sorry.
Liked by: ily cory

Tbh - your so short ;) hahaha we always give you shit but we love you ;) I've tried so many time to rotate things in my room for maths but I just don't know how ! Haah :') pretty close, we have the best laughs ;) hahah funny as, :')

AHAH! Thanks luke! ❤

First I was like;Seems like a sweet heart!! Then I'm like; Don't think she likes me :L Now I'm like; Nicest girl ! So beautiful and her personality is perff x

Aw, thanks shaneice! Xx

I love your account so much! I love monchele and when Cory died your account made my day. it didnt make me sad, it made me happy. no joke. I love monchele and I love going down my feed and seeing your monchele photos. I love your account<3 btw, your super gorgeous too!:)

Aww, you don't know how much that means to me! I'm glad you love my account :) monchele is forever and Cory will always be in our heart. I'm glad that my page made you happy and not sad through the tough times. Thank you for loving my account. Aw thank you, you're beautiful too! ❤ Xx

(continued) i know you live in Australia & i remember you posting sth saying goodnight then i posted something saying thanks so my timing really sucksyou don't really need to know who i am just now that i love ur account

Yes I do live in Australia :) aw, I'm sorry for not seeing your thank you but you're welcome! Thank you for loving my account, hearing that just makes me so happy. Thank you so much ❤xx
Liked by: ily cory

i love ur account so much since like forever & the other day you finally followed me which freaked me out & i posted something on ig thanking you but i doubt u saw it since you were asleep so i just wanted to say thank you:)<3

Awww, that just made my night! I haven't seen it yet and I'm so sorry. It's either cause of the different timezone or its just that I get a lot of notifications and I just don't get to see other people comment or tag me in stuff. I'm so sorry but I wanna know who this is! Xx
Liked by: ily cory

lol i know this is really random but i follow ur glee ig and i'm obsessed with it and you live in my area (i go to nagle) and i saw you at woolworths the other day but i was too afraid to approach you. haha random anyway thought i'd tell you that!

Hahaha omg really? Aw, you should've come and said hello! (: anyways, who's this? Can you comment on one of my pics on Instagram at least? :) xo

Tbh; you're so gorgeous ! Haha you look like jassette so much I knew youse had to be related !! Seem like such a sweet heart :) honestly you and beau would be cute !! Should talk more or soemthang :) perfect gal ✌️X

Aw thank you! Xx oh yeah, jessette's my cousin! Me and beau has been so close for 3 years, I don't really wanna ruin our friendship so I think we'll just stay as bestfriends ahah xo


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