
Sophie Weir

Ask @muppet44

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Thoughts ;)

Haha well.... I think you're pretty awesome, talked on the phone for the first time haha haven't even met and we get on like we've known each other for years lolol. You're extremely pretty and keep me entertained haha. I like you so I think I'll keep ya ;)
Liked by: rosie

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Where do you find new music?

Hmm tv or radio, or I just search random things on iTube to see what it comes up with haha :)

No i did not see your last ask.fm account i haven't known you that long i could pm you for a link. But i sorta like just talking to people without the hole knowing how i am thing lol.

I deleted it, I just didn't wanna deal with the amount if crap lol. So I made a knew one and it started again, but it's no where near as bad lol. Wanna pm me anyway? I'd like to know who you are :)

So just to start a shit storm why do you think people have a problem with you?

Haha you obviously didn't see my last ask.fm account did you? I know there's people that have a problem with me. I don't think.

But i don't have any problems with you. Just felt like having a yarn.

I wasn't meaning you, just in general :)

All part of the fun i guess.

Haha you think it's fun? It's actually really boring. What would be fun is if people told me who they are, then confronted me and did something if they have such a big problem with me, now that would be fun :)

You have any clue who is asking lol?

Nope, and no one seems to wanna tell me either. Lol and it's funny when I turn off anon no one asks anything... Haha

People bully/insult/ridicule for many resins its a part of life, if you don't like someones option ignore it or confront them about it. Simple

Okay I'll keep that advice in mind. Cause I don't already do that and all, but thanks you for your time you've been very helpful

Sorry just thought it was a bit hypocritical that you're trying to rid the world of bullies when you are one yourself. Before you try being a hero take a huge step back and look at how fucked up you really are.

Did I say I was trying to rid the world of them? Far out people, was I say is plain black and white it can't be that hard to understand? I just have an opinion, if your allowed to share yours about me I'm allowed to share mine.

Do you think face to face bullying is worse then cyber bullying?

I think they are both as bad as each other, there is no 'better' way to bully someone and I don't see why people need to bully, face to face or over the internet. Like do they think it's cool? And knowing people get pleasure out of making people feel like they're nothing makes me feel sick. And the sad thing is, it's not until the person getting bullied does something drastic that they realise they went to far.... But even then some people don't get how serious it is.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is that monstrous thing in that picture? Oh it's you? Yikes no wonder you're single.

Ooh really got me that time, what a burn :P :P

I don't see how that could be true haha. You don't seem even remotely frightening & you seem quite weak in a way. I mean I'm not even being rude but you are being quite defensive, what does that say about your personality?

Haha defensive in what way? I'm just not bothered by people who hate on me, and I know I'm not frightening, I don't try to be lol. I just think if people genuinely have such a big problem with me, do something about it instead of hiding behind a computer. They can beat the absolute shit out of me, I don't care haha. Cause then they would of actually accomplished something haha

I don't have an ask.fm profile & I don't intend on making one anytime soon, I mean if you want to know who people are & don't like anonymous questions why have an ask.fm & why not turn anonymous questions off?

Hahaha cause I know no one has the balls to give me crap unless they can hide who they are haha

Then why are you criticizing people who give you hate? Everyone has free will & freedom of speech. People don't speak very highly of you & and if you don't like it you should just change who you are.

Haha I don't care what people think of me and I just said that it wasn't about the people giving me hate, can you not bloody read?? If the only reason you can't say it to my face why don't you tell me who you are so at least then you won't seem so cowardly?

There's no point in Christianity but you practice it?

There's no point in a lot of things and people still do it, people have their own opinions and they're allowed to have them
Liked by: rosie

Not everyone is a gutless coward behind a computer screen, some just dont live in the same city so they can't do it straight to your face like they'd like to.

Hahaha who said I was aiming it at the people who do it to me?? It's something that I'd love to see changed, because there's no point in it

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

People that find it fun to bully others by being gutless cowards behind a computer. Anti-cyber bullying all the way!

I'm sorry auto correct thought them was more appropriate than then. This has been fun, keep up the pathetic poor me act, you're doing swell.

Hahaha and you seem to be succeeding at being the biggest loser out if you find this fun. Take care now :P

And them destroying them puts a smile on yours ?

What's the point in destroying their own smile? There's not logic in that at all?? Or else you need to learn to spell....

Bitch please, I don't need a label to define my coolness. I already know I'm fabulous... You are just like a bit of fun, while I have dinner. ♥

Hahaha glad I can entertain you :) always like to put smiles on peoples faces

you don't have a life, you suck the life out of everyone you lure in to your pity party.

Haha then why are you so interested in my life? It must be amazing to get the attention of someone as cool as you.... :P

You can't be both, you're either gay or you're straight. This crap about bisexuality is crock, once you cross the fence you don't come back, you'll just be in denial, reach your 40's leave your less than satisfying husband and kids for some gym slut who really rocks your socks off.

Haha wow you sure have my life figured out don't ya?? You really think your bullshit has an affect on me? And quite frankly my life have nothing to do with you haha
Liked by: rosie

There's a higher power that judges you for your piggery. Lezbihonest here.

Hahaha and who says I'm still into chicks? Haven't been with one since Cass so.... Think you should get your facts sorted.


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