
Myra Ghestorina

many people say The women looking bad boy because a good boy is boring and bad boy is more challenging. Do you agree with this statement myra ? Because I'm a good boy and the kind of man Whose faithful but in fact till now i do not have a girlfriend :( .A lot of people said I only suitable as a husb

Yeaaa most of the teen girls would be like that!
Mmm idk aku bisa dibilang agree apa engga. But for me, yes I like 'bad' boys but in the 'good' way. Bad for me is well smoke or drink i can accept that, namanya jg remaja. But bad with bad attitude or bad friends bahkan smpe pergaulan bebas? I dont think so. I think I'm just one of the girls who like 'bad' boys but trust me, pasti para cewe jg suka ama bad yg wajar2 kok. Ttp sopan, rajin ibadah, smart, dan tau tanggung jawab aja sih bukan yg bad sampe abal2 and have no future gitu jelas enggaa. kalo good boy yg kind of bookworm and nerd trus from how he socialize kaya aneh trus ga asik gitu sih ya of course he's boring. Dan mungkin definisi badboy tend to be 'boy who is experienced with girls' so that they could treat girls better than 'good' boys do. That's usual in teenagers' love life lah kan anak2 smp-sma kaya nakal2nya gituu. But trust me, di dunia perkuliahan aplg kalo udh dewasa cewe pasti nyari yg utk masa depan dongg. udh ga mikir bad or good. Yg ptg nyaman di hati dan bisa ngertiin cewe, treat her good and yg terpenting, have sight of his future jelass lah bakal dipilih ama cewe. Dont worry bout that! Sure u'll find a girl. Bad boys cuma berlaku buat teengirls and those bad boys will be goodboys too, soon:p
Liked by: Janice Devina
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Mir, udah lewatin brapa stase? lagi stase apa? suka duka jalanin koass apa aja? sorry banyak nanya hehe :)

Hai, udah lewatin 3 stase ini jalan ke 4 heheh. Wah banyak wkwk terlalu panjang dijelaskan disini ahahaha

Kak apa yg kamu lakuin pas kmu kepengen belajar tapi pas pegang bukunya malah ngerasa males belajar???

Main hp. Hahaha

Myra ke jogja acara apa? Smp kpn?

Acara wirausaha gt mmg ada dari blok elektif bareng angkatan 2013 heheh. Sampe seninn

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