
Myra Ghestorina

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Impersonate kak marsela dong kak myr

"amikkkk;;)" "haaiiiii" "heehh km tau gaakk" "mik km sayang ga sama aku" "eh eh tak ceritain!! Sumpah ini HOT abis!" trus apalagi yaa ahh udh lama ga ketemu sela miss her so much!!:(

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biaya FKUKI masuk nya mahal bgt ya?

Itungannya malah cheapest (idk but i think buat swasta not that expensieve) krna aku taunya sih swasta rata2 lebih mahal dr UKI. Plg mahal 220 juta-an.

What kind of things annoy you?

When I'm not in a good mood and just want everyone to be quiet but there's people who keep talking or disturb me ZZZ
Liked by: Aninditya W.

Kamu pernah ditawarin main film apa myr?

Sbnrnya blm tau judulnya sih tp kaya film2 remaja gituu..baru disuruh casting doang kok

dulu pernah ditawarin main film ya kak? film apa? kok gak diambil sih? kan lumayan tuh;)

Rahasiaaa:p hehe engga ada waktunyaaa

Haloo! Apa kabar? Udah makan? Udah gereja? Udah ngerjain tugas? Udah cuci muka? Udah gosok gigi? Udah belajar? :$ heheeueheuheu

Siapa ini-_-

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

This means war, eiffel I'm in love, Harry Potter, You are the apple of my eye..and many more I love movie too much.

If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

Clothes-making machine! We design, and then tradaaaa! We wear❤️

You are too kind and mature, Miss.. Thankyou for the time, now i adore you even more. HAHA :'

Ahh not really I'm not an expert! Hahaha thankyou anw and goodluck:)

Sorry about that.. Do you think she deserve the third chance? Because i already gave the second.. You can ignore this question tho if you feel awkward to answer..hehe:D

It's all up to you. If you really love her then you can give her third chance and trust her more. People said that love is about forgiving. Yes that's right, but in this case, it's not about forgiving or patience. Love don't betray, it keeps your faith for someone you love. I'd say if she really loves you she wouldn't cheat. You've trusted her for all this time but she did it over and over again. But once again, it's all up to you. Talk to her from heart to heart. Ask why she did that. And then you can choose your own love-life path. He he he #myrabeingsoktau

My girlfriend recently flirts with another guy. So yeah, keanya dia bodo amat... ;( meh hahaha

Oops that's personal. I'm walking out of line... :-|

ciyeee yaya cadok sibuk :( miss u too myyyr! main bareng inem dongss ayookkk huuu

tyateyek’s Profile PhotoAninditya W.
Ya ayok ajaa! Ntr ya 2 weeks lg aku exam hbs itu libur doain ga ada acara apa2 lg dr kampus jd aku bisa ke smg trus main ama inem!:')

kak myr apa kabar? kpn ke semarang? makin upay ga kamu?

tyateyek’s Profile PhotoAninditya W.
Heh apelu! Haha baik puji Tuhaann yekk..engga tauu kapan ke smg nih sibukk mulu *cielah* haha. Enggalah! Udh gede kok makin upay cik:( hahaha miss u!

where do you go to church? boleh bareng? :p

Biasanya di otista antonius padua bidaracina. Hahaha yg penting jgn lupa ke gereja:)

This might be a little awkward. I have a girlfriend and i probably have crush on you. Dammit

Whoaa..your gf must be hurt :-|

kak merek lulur sm maskernya apa?

I dont even know haha biasanya langsung body massage spa ditempat sihh jd lulur udh drsananya tp udh jarang jg skrg

What kind of things are you interested in?

Amusement park, seaworld, zoo, korean dramas, fashion, catwalk, photoshoot, beach, movies.


Language: English