
Neel Mittal

Ask @n33lb4m3

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thoughts on the based lord srikar

at one point I convinced him that his parents were paying me to be his friend... I think he's gullible and sometimes a bit distracted. but he's also mature and funny. don't go around thinking that I made him perverted, he only teaches others when it comes to that
Liked by: Mike Liao Jayashri

Do you believe in the saying, "to deny the human impulse is to deny human nature itself?"

I do when it comes from someone who is mentally stable.

im doing calc AB next year cause i got C-'s in precalc. how much harder should i expect ab to be?

I have to admit you'll struggle a bit. A few kids who took precalc with those sort of grades got B's in Calc AB. But no stress! If you need tutoring of some sort just hmu
Liked by: Shravan Sundaram

favorite juniors?

In no particular order....
Omar A.
Ayush C.
Ishan A.
Angela C.
Bili S.
Amundeep S.
Sean L.
David Le
Chirag N.
Harshaan K.
Adhitya V.
Kushal C.
Sayali K.
Shravan S.
Surya R.
Rohan G.
Liked by: Shravan Sundaram

how do you have so many likes when you are so gay.

I'm not gay. And when did being gay restrict you from being liked by Kaushal?

Favorite person from Saratoga?

other neel! I have known him for way too long for it to be anyone else

well yes motherfucker, i dont really know you that well. i mean, you're neel, but idk your favorite color or what classes you're taking. hence, i dont REALLY know you.

ask me

Favorite people in each class?

1st - harshaan, Sean, David, kai, kaveh
2nd - amundeep, Omar, Rohan, Angela, bili
no 3rd
4th - Omar, Sean, sayali, Jason Chen, Scott
5th - Sean, jomo, mike, ayush, Charlie, ishan, rahul
6th - Omar, chirag, rohan, surya, shravan David, Marcos
7th - adhitya v, gollakota, vishal, harshaan, namjoon, eric
sorry if I missed anyone

thots on kaushal? ;)

you didn't invite me to your indian party so at the moment they aren't very good :)

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