

Ask @nachellehorne

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Nachelle, that anon is a real dick. I think you're perfect and beautiful and extremely sweet. No one deserves to be told the shit they're saying to you so I hope you know it's all stupid.

begonnnaa’s Profile Photob e g o ñ a ❥
thank you so much (: you're so sweet, we really should talk more❤️
Liked by: Kylee Mecham⬅️

Just because ur pretty and have like friends doesn't make u likeable and doesn't mean you on top and above. becuz you are not even PERF you're parents are divorced HAHA mine aren't that sucks for you get over it. you deserve to go thru the pain of your parents you dont deserve them together HA

the things you've said to me before haven't bothered me, but bringing my parents into this shows how low you are. you have no idea what i've been through with my parents and how hard it's been. call me a slut and a whore all you want, but don't you ever talk about my family like that again. you need to leave me alone.

I love when you answer questions on here cause they're always funny but I also hate it bc people are bitch ass liars and none a this stuff they say is true

hanner_14’s Profile PhotoHannahh!
Hahaha I love you Hannah ❤️ It does get annoying but honestly I don't even let it affect me anymore, I just think it's hilarious that ignorant people actually decide to spend their time sending unnecessary hate to me (:

Dude people are soooooo rude!! I think you're freaking beautiful and so does everyone else! You're the nicest, funniest person I know! Don't let those hoes get to ya. (:

hanner_14’s Profile PhotoHannahh!
haha I love you Hannah and I would do anything for you...except for running, jogging, or climbing stairs....you're sweet and don't forget you are FLAWLESS, strut that hair (;


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