Ask @nada205

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your really beautiful and you remind be of something from heaven i need to get to know u more tho

OMG. Umm.... That's just soooo sweet!!!! And... I dont know what to say really. But thanksssssssssss. And please please please tell me who u are. Pleaseeee o_o :$


Bitch please? Where can I start.... Well, ur the most amazing and fluffy teddy bear ever. Super awesome pianist maybe clarinetist. U have a taste in things which I like. U have quite an accent. And I fucking love u so damn much. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY x1000000 (infinity) much. <333333333 :*
Liked by: ▲๓คђค ▲

its school haha i need to make it as fun as possible coz its crap thats why :)

Yup. Didn't mean it in a bad way :D

opinion on me

Hahaha. U have that look that scares the hell out of me x_x. Despite that ur nice, rude-ish (a tiny bit), nice, maybe a little cocky and friendly (when u want to be) :p
Liked by: ▲๓คђค ▲

Which websites do you visit every day?

Twitter, Instagram, Skype, ask, youtube, hotmail, google, we heart it, tumblr, f network, jsc, osn... Yeah that's pretty much it!!

theres two people stupid -.- !

There's one I know of. And.. What are u anyway to call me stupid? Anyhow who dafuq r u?

guy in math

Holly shit!!!!! NOOOOOOOO. And there's only one person in the whole school that knows this nickname so I can clearly tell that u r a stalker :)

Can you recommend anything to read?

No I can't recommend anything to read.
*poshest English accent ever* :)

is it true u have a crush on a dude in year 10

WHAT THE FUCK or WHO THE FUCK gave you this 100% retarded and creepy rumour?

why would cristiano ronaldo be an alien??? is it cuz he humilates barca XD

It's cuz that's is my opinion... Accept it :)

Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?

Justin Beiber, 1D and C. Ronaldo

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

An island... Faaaaaaaaar away... Alone <3

if u were forced .. who would u date in ur school chose 5 guys .. or less

I'd still not do it :)

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

Freedom to do what I want whenever I want

How do you decide what movie to watch?

Depending on the actors and the story. But usually my mood :p

Why is it hard? Just do it..

It's hard because i dont know.... I am one of the four :p, Melissa maybe, Faaiza probably. Lil G as well.... Can't u just ask another thing :)

who do you trust :) name 10 people ( girls or boys ) and why ?

Sophie, Meli, Maha, Elinor, Roudah, Djordje, Saif, Al Anoud... Ummm that's all I think. And because they're all trustworthy and not backstabbers and they never hurt me in any way <33
Liked by: ▲๓คђค ▲


Chill -_- i know it's Boring without me. I know. I know :). Don't worry... I'm back bitchesss ;)

What a show in school yesterday attention grabbing bitch? OMG u fainted, don't get fucking well soon :)

A show? Yes totally. It was show. I pretended that I couldn't breathe, I pretended that my eyes were blurry that I could only see colours not people or things. I also pretended that I lost balance and feel to the ground and fainted and finally pretended to lower my blood pressure to make it seem real. Happy??
Shouldn't I just get an Oscar for this amazing acting? :)
And thanks for the "don't get we'll soon" guess what... I got we'll and I'm in school tomorrow :D and I will find, and I will kill u :)
Liked by: Bouran Salama

Should animal hunting be banned?

So we get stuck with eating vegetables for the whole entire life? -_- NO
But in some way yes :)

What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?

Probably like a zombie or like MAMA (movie) :)
Don't u dare laugh -_-

OMG. Nado, baby, honey, dear, shiaaaaaaaat!!!!!!! vat happened???? Hospital!!!!? What did that motherfucker doctor say O_o NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ur amazingggggg u ain't no doctor, ain't no body got time for them!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

LMFAO :") chill nigga!

What about me :'(

About the trust thing? well I dont know. Haven't told u something secret :s but u don't trust me so....


Language: English