
Nadine Yacoubi

Ask @nadineyacoubiyacoubi

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You are the smell before rain You are the blood in my veins You are my heart whenever i wnant to text i fell that im annoying you its the truth i promise that i try to forget you but your smile is unforgettable... i wish that i will look into your eyes without no more feelings...just i wish thx

Ahki maaya marhbe bik
Liked by: Steve Molk

i still remember the first day i saw you first i didnt think that i love you i though that i just appreciate you but finally i know that i love you and i do my best to make you smiling when you need help just say it and i will do it for you

Behy merci w enty shkn ?

Right now i realy dont see the reason for trying or talikng or even breathing im just done . believe me that the worst feeling is the moment that you realize you have lost yourself also the most laughthing person is the most hurt breaking one who know ? maybe you will love me too just dreaming sry

Ken maksh besh tkoli o naarfek mefyha hata fyda l klem :)

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Thanks to you Im not a suicidal but if a car came while i was crossing the street i dont think i would move out of its way im not a suicidal but if a had the opportunity to die without having to kill myself i'd probably take it So dont pretend that you care sry againg for making you bored thx again

Alesh hedhaa lkol ty koli aad

And even you know me does it mean something ? will you even reply ? will you even read a msg ? Nahh you will just blame me with your eyes... you will make of me funeral ikonw that i meke you boring but sry i cant stop sry that i knew sry that i care of you sry that i love you...LOVE YOU(thx for all)

Ty koli shkounk o tqt

My mind say dont care for those who are ignoring you care for those who are ignoring others for you and my heart say love her love the only person which you have been for her in live fortunately you are the best person in my life ... Nahh you are my life thx for all ( its your choice to reply me )

Taki tkoly shknk taw njeoubk yezzy mejeoubt medemk thebsh tkoul

why ? is it make changes if my name is this or that ? i think that the personality doesnt make changes ? it just help you to ignore the right person but i will tell you i will before i gonna burned but why you need my name why ? answer plz just answer

Wlh hakaaa
Liked by: Fadhlawi Dhia

I will tell you who i am but in the right time but what will you do ?hein or just for fun ?you will Just gonna stand there and watch me burn ? But that's alright because I like the way it hurts need answer plz . thx

Le le tqt juste koli
Liked by: Fadhlawi Dhia

and even i told you who i am what will you do ?Nothing (sry my mind say lets give up and keep your self-respect but my heart say dont let her go sry again)

Meksh newy meneha ?

Maybe boys lie more but girls lie better. this is the last msg i promess you i dont give up but ... you will never understand me i hope...Nah this is an impossible dream. but i will love you 4ever and i will be able to do anything just for you the day i will stop loving you i willclose my eyes 4ever

Okayy thanks

understand my feeling?plz dont lie i know that you just relplay me to have fun or to know me and run away. stones may breack my bones but your eyes completely kill me when i think i have the courage to talk with you in reality i give up when i see you with him its your choice sry that im annoying yu

Nn nn klemk ghalet naarsh nhebsh nahki barsha koli t es qui o khw

If i told you that everything is ok if you know my name will you even reply me msg once more?will you even try to understand me.Nah you will just deal with me like im a strange . we haven't the same feelings and it hearts me alot whenever i see you but i can do anything .but if you are happy its ok

Le nefhemek

Believe that you konw me. does it make changes? does it solve a problem ? Because of my timidity... sry an other time for texting you while you dont need so... i may be not perfect but i at least im not fake...thx for all❤

Text me!

not being a shy person like me is one of the most caractaires for a person dont cry dont be sad just smile every day because live is short so enjoy it pss is my gift good?(the Milka chocolate)

Thanks wlh ❤❤ lezem naarfek wlh hh.. merci ala kol shy ❤

While many people may be thinking of you on your birthday, I want you to know I’m first on that list! Happy Birthday!best wishes just smile ✌️ and if you dont like to reply me its not my faults its your choice ...♥♥

Aww thanks ❤❤❤

I know you don't love me but my heart does not understand . Sorry for that

Ken mesh besh t9oli nty shkn maghyr menokod njeoub fyk w khw

if you want to know me just look around you and belive at the person you is the furthest from you and the carest one if you konw me keep your promise and dont tell anyone and even you cant dont worry because there is sone around you that love you more than you think just look into his eyes and smile

Faut savoir t es qui!

why do you want to know who i'm ? hein ... would you like to blame me ? woud you like to ignore me ?would you like to kill me ? sorry i forget that you already killed me .thx

Le le tqt yaany maksh sht9oul t es qui ?

i wich for you a great life i wich you never feel that feeling when you love s.one who will never be yours i wish that i didn't see your smile and so felt in love My biggest problem is whenever we see eye to eye i fall in love over and over again i loved you i love you and i will love you...foreve

Yyy shknk ?

I hate it when i can't stop thinking of you i know that you definitely ignore me also i shouldn't beg you to be in my life i really love you more than you may feel i should walk away to keep my self_respect but believe that if you get in trouble i will always be there to help you .. just text me

T es qui ?
Liked by: Farah Abdelwahed

Ye5i chhasbetli rohek ken 3al mostawayet rak 0 w ken 3atorbya 0 ...... Belehi hasen mant9ek w et3alem klem djeweb bih (bien sûr 8ir esaben) w nahy akel klem ely met3almethouly ( ferme ta sale...... ) rahou mahouch mte3ek w yeser rak t3aned fi o5ek a3mel cha5sia el rohek c'est pas normal ça 😩

Hhhh mdr😂😂 yammy all ryra 😂😂enty tahky aa seben barra moutt ayshh okhty 😂👌 wlhh lek nrmll shouff hall lehyettkk 👊 mala mordha😂o shmdakhlk nsebek wela shkhaff menekk ena? 😂

ye5i tehseeb rouhek hadraa kbiira walla tes5ernii nejrii fi jortekk hein 😂😂 esma3 barra niik omok 5irleek

Ouais ena hadra o ken ejbek sinon kasser rasek ala hyt 👊😉
o naaref ly enty tezjry oouraya c pas la peine beshh tkooly 😜👌
en plus ferme ta gueule de merde sinon tu vas voir 👊😂

belehii taw 3andek 18 jrs lteeli t9oul une meilleure w 5jrs lteeeli une de mes meilleures w taw mathebech tahki m3aha belehii 9olli chfama amaan

Haha!ysa9ssy alyk l khyr 😜

k kont met3arka ma nour tkoul Chiraz bff w douba sala7tiu be3tha zah fik.

moush shyh kolhm mes BFF o enty maash tedakhal ! bara dewi👊
Liked by: meighri sisi12


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