
Jala Emas

Ask @nasikerabudagingbakar

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How tired are you?

Not so tired. I’m fine to be honest. It’s just one day or maybe the time will come, I’ll probably be happy again. Maybe I’ll inactive here. It’s good to answer all the shoutouts and there are still many more that I didn’t get the chance to answer. I love everyone here 🤍 wish you all the best 🌹

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How many hugs do you need each day?

Maybe 3 is the minimum and 5 is max. I can’t handle more hugs, but the good amount is making me happy! 🤍
Liked by: hei

Studying, working or menambah beban orang kat rumah skg?

Yang last tu betul. Menambah beban 🥰

Random thoughts

I want to tell my secrets to my imaginary friends only. Because no one can talk to her.
Liked by: SJ

Are you happy with your life so far?

Yes maybe. I try to remember the good memories that i have, yes i do have them.

Can you play any musical instruments?

Nope. I love to learn how to play guitar (which i dont have) , piano, violin, drum, and all.

Berapa hari korang beraya? Ada orang 30 hari raya, 30 pasang baju 😌

3 hari je nohhh. Reuse balik je baju raya tahun tahun lepas 😆 sekarang mood raya pun taktau kat mana. Jom la kita gi beraya

What type of questions do you avoid answering here?

Personal problem question. Sebab I am very bad at solving people problem online 🥹 im so sorry. And i feel very grateful ramai juga anon and user di askfm membantu jawab soalan soalan tu! So i could also learn how to identify the problem apa semua tu hehe 💪

Have you ever been camping? Did you like it?

YES! I like it so much. Dia macam adventurous! I love to explore the forest and see many nature ( but im scared of amphibians so zzzz ) . Pernah dulu join school camping and one of my best(!!) experience ever. Sekarang ni jarang la nak join camping sebab mereput kat rumah je. But I would love to go if someone invites me hehehrhehehehehehehe

Korang selalu letak kicap tak bila makan nasi? 😂

Selalu sangat dulu 🤣 sekarang dah jarang

If u proud and love it, u show and share it w everyone. So para isteri jgan kedekut kongsi suami. Para suami suka dia dikongsi.

Liked by: hei

Bersyukur lah orang dah jawab soalan awak tu . Nak demand dia jawab apa pula

Alhamdulillah 🤲
Liked by: hei


Language: English