
Natalia B :)

Did you know my little sister is like you, in that she made her middle school debate team? Pretty good as she is one of only two 6th graders to make it. Also, why are you afraid to fall in love?

Aww that's awesome!! Is she on the policy debate team?
I'm scared because it hurts to lose the person you love, but I'm not scared because being with that person is just so many things that can't be summed up with one word... lol I guess you could say it's an amazing feeling (:
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Latest answers from Natalia B :)

Which celebrity you would follow on Ask.fm?

none... i don't really care about celebrities and all

SCENARIO: I am a guy and I challenge you to a fight. The winner gets VIP passes to the concert of their choice. How would you win? (No weapons)

I just wouldn't fight... get you're VIP passes and take me with if there's more than one pass (:

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Lying... even the most painful truth is better than a lie... fighting (technically everyone fights, but I wouldn't want to do that often)... cheating obviously... Three main things I guess? (: I don't really know

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