
Natalie Tang

Ask @natalietangerine

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I have u as a friend on Facebook, I followed u on Instagram "automatically" Yet I have no idea how u are, u do anything? Btw u pretty :)

Haha well I'm Natalie & it's nice to meet you! But thanks (:

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I thought you said "who's the funniest GF ever?" Cause I was about to say LOL... But I've seen lots of funny gifs so idk

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When I was little, I got a saying that I looked that London Tipton LOL

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wtf nuqqa

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Doesn't matter, I still have them & probs take care of them >:[[

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I would cry & cry till I get that person back. And 42? Wut

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Yes & anything they ask for (-:

36 29 and 25

Well I wanted to be a doctor when I was little & idk now, I hate how we always have so much hw & drama, biggest one is I hate it when I'm really hungry & I go to my fridge & there's nothing to eat & I have to buy food


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