
Natasha B

Ask @natashab_46

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What is your favorite fanfic? Do you like them actually?

Don’t have a favorite because I don’t like fanfic

Should people depend on happiness that depends on other things to exist? Is there anything not dependable in this world (that doesn't depend on other things)?

I don’t know who you are, but wow you are asking some interesting questions. I don’t know how to answer this question.

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

Probably something Harry Potter related on my ankle

5 things you don't like in people ?

I don’t like people 1)that lie, 2) who don’t take time out of their their day to talk to their loved ones,3) people who aren’t open about their feeling, 4) don’t like animals, and 5) I can’t stand someone who chews with their mouth open.

Advice for courage to ask someone out?

Just do it. The only bad thing that could happen is the person says no. And if that person says no it’s not the end of the world. There are plenty of other fish in the sea:)

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

Hm. That’s a hard question. when my cousin was three she would tell everyone she was a testicle expert.

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

I wish I had actually tried to do my work in high school.

Thoughts on people who constantly post about how they are single on Instagram

Ugh. It’s annoying, but whatever.

Why these anons from all the way want to be friends but deep down they're scared to reveal who they are ??

There is no need to be scared!

What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?

I died from eating spinach.... I was 8 and there was a recall on spinach so I was freaking out

Have you ever loved someone so much that whenever you see them it feels like someone is punching you in the stomach because you know they will never love you back???

Yes it's awful:( if you need to talk my kik is natasha_b317

Just bored out of my mind.

A good way to stop being boring is try to get addicted to a new tv show! Or eat food is good

Would you rather be happy and alone or sad and popular

Happy and alone:) that's how my life is now and I wouldn't change that for the world.

not to be rude, but stop asking "who is this?", we're on anonymous for a reason. it's just kind of annoying to keep seeing. sorry

No I would like to know who is asking me questions. If you want to ask me a question or be a jerk you could at least have the guts to let others see you for who you really are... You are a coward and if you don't like my answers then stay off me ask:)

Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

I love the beach but I love the mountains more:)


Language: English