

Ask @natasharbaldwin

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What causes you to panic?

spiders, they're rank and scary
oh yeah and if the spiders hide, i can't handle that at all

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What celebrity annoys you the most?

Rhianna, I literally can't stand her or beyonce, idk..there's probably worse but I'm too tired to think

does louis and jai have new asks then?

I don't talk to jai so and I haven't asked louis so idk, I'll ask him then let you know

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Pink coz love dat colour

funniest girl you talk to, funniest guy. Best girl friend, best boy friend. A girl you miss, a boy you miss. A guy who cheers you up, a girl who cheers you up. A girl you would love to be, a guy who you used to have a crush on. best memory, worst. 10 people you speak to x

Ellie chenery,daniel powley/louis baker,ellie chenery/ellie coldham,louis,there isn't one, i miss being close with darren/chris/jai, louis/daniel,ellie chenery/ellie coldham/georgie brindle/lucy kent,rosie rackham(she's so pretty!), LOUIS COZ HE'S SO HOT;lol jk idk,when i cut off jordan cheesemans hair while playing hairdressers/my party,losing my next door neighbour;rip,louis;ellie chenery;ellie coldham;georgie brindle;daniel powley;emily blanchflower;alan gladwin;kayleigh catchpole;lucy kent;phil(mainly in ict)
Liked by: asdfghjklucy

Do you trust people easily?

No, I have to get to know them before I tell them anything about me that's personal because I never know if they'll tell someone or not

maybe he just wanted to push you in a bush because he thought it was funny, don't jump to conclusions

o, he wanted sex..he wouldn't grab hold of my wrist that tight(which left marks) jus because he thought it was funny and he was trying to do stuff with me in the train/bus thing but I wouldn't let him, so it was obvious what he wanted..I'm not going to have a go because you weren't there so you don't know the full story but can you at least know the proper and full story before you say something

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

I'd get liposuction
I'd pay for all the children in Africa

What is the best invention ever?

WHITE CHOCOLATE or lindor chocolate- that is my best ever like omfg

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Would you eat me if you were hungry

What's been the best commercial you've seen?

That one where the dogs got that orange thing on its back I think
I can't remember

Would you ever meet anyone from Norwich again?

Yeah but I have to meet them with friends now and I won't leave my friends side like at all! if I've met up with the person before and then meet again and that's kinda alright but I'm still cautious

btw i know about it because i was looking at your answers from ages ago, and someone sent you hate about it x

Aw okay x x

Can you tell us what happened to you, the near rape? I know it might be hard for you, and i respect you so much. It's just you might help other girls who have been in similar situations or might have to deal with something like that later in life. I understand if you don't want to, you're so brave x

Wow thankyou so much! Basically I met this boy and is never net him before but he seemed decent(obviously I was wrong)..we started talking in this thing and he said do you want to go round the corner for a walk and a chat because everyone else was shouting and all that so I said yes. We walked out of the gate and he was fine until we got round the corner where none of my friends could see me or anything and he grabbed onto my wrist really tight so I said 'what are you doing?' And he said 'come in we can go into this bush' and I knew exactly what he wanted so I said no but his grip on my wrist for tighter and tighter so I screamed and he told me not to and shouted in my face.we nearly got to the bush down the bottom but I managed to struggle away so I ran away to get my friends and I walked off shaking like a leaf and crying and then he had the nerve to say 'she's frigid'?! For one i wasn't frigid and two I did not want to do it in a bush! He's basically made me scared of meeting up with other people and when I see him in the city I shake again and just hoping it won't happen again. He made my anxiety worse and he made me loose trust in so many people because I thought they were going to do the same;so I never left the house unless it was for school. I had to be with him the other week because my friend is friends with him and I was shaking so bad(i kept my distance though) but then he said 'are we alright?' And I just said 'no, you scare me' so he said why?!theres nothing to be scared of- you have to be kidding me right? He's basically messed up someone's life and all for his fucking pleasure.hes sick, if anyone ever goes through something like this I feel for you, I really do! People don't understand how much it can affect someone with the trust of everyone and everything else.- btw if anyone says 'well if it affected you that much why put it on ask?' Well I've put it on ask and my own risk and also I think it's time people knew what actually happened because all they know is that I was close to rape so don't judge me because you don't know what it feels like

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Liked by: kirbyy


Language: English