
natasha weegram

Ask @natashaweegram

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If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

Anywhere in the future, my past is full of absolute shit

Are you outgoing or shy?

Really outgoing but quite shy at first around people who I don't know or who I'm uncomfortable around

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

Things change and you don't always get what you want but you have to stop torturing yourself and accept it eventually, then you're happy again :)

haha this is awkward.. Don't have twitter.. Must be the only person on the planet who doesn't have it haha

Oh well aha

yeah it won't let me upload it from my phone!! Tried so many times haha! Just keeps saying "error try again later" but if that means I'm some pensioner fair enough haha

Hahahahahaha what's your twitter name?

Like if I go off anon because remember you don't know me :o

Exactly so go off anon then I can see whether you're like a pensioner Paedo or not :)


Language: English