

opinions on Megan hunter, make it longgg x x

We used to be proper close like a year ago or summit then slowly drifted from summer:( we was made to go to these classes to talk about our feelings and shit with like a couple of gimps and we would just sit and arm wrestle then get sent out for arm wrestling then wrestle in the corridor lying on the floor hahaha;) one time I LET HER WIN and she jumped up on the table and started dancing then messed up sirs hair, oh my;) she's proper hot, so funny! feisty tho int she;) punched fuck out me up the fall for taking shit aw;) miss her, should popup x
Liked by: Maik
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Latest answers from Nath

Do you have/want tattoos

I have a tattoo up my ankle and bottom of my leg, I want sleeves and some on my chest

Hahahah awh that old para on why you didn't have a girlfriend is so cute nath, omg i'm in tears x

Hahaha no way man, remember that, was a bare load of shit that I wrote that was, trying to pull the ladies at 15 fsfs

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